2nd phase: – Interview round 1

Around 34 students were shortlisted for this round. It was a technical interview merely covering all CS fundamentals and live coding. The interview started with a self-introduction and rushed into the coding part. I was asked to share my screen and code the questions given by the interviewer, these consisted of basic manipulation of arrays, retrieving files and medium-level code related to the dictionary (coding questions — change the format of date, remove redundant data, list and string slicing, Store data in form of CSV file, manipulation on sets and lists, how a dictionary works, print dict in different forms as asked by the interviewer, convert ). Asked if knew Linux programming to which I answered no and it was followed by CN questions ( Networking(in-depth): DNS, TCP, UDP, subnet masking, how subnetworks, ipv4 dept concepts, NAT, Why can’t we use TCP to fetch DNS over UDP, retransmission in tcp, 3-way handshake ). It was followed by DBMS concepts and queries( how to create a table, why a group by used, retrieve max salary along with employee name and ID, asked about different keys, and constraints. ). The interview was held for around 1 hour.

Zscaler Interview Experience For Associate software engineer,QA Engineer Internship

Firstly it was an ON-CAMPUS recruitment. Hiring was conducted in 3 phases:

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1st phase : – Online Assessment

Around 150 members were shortlisted for 1st round of assessment. The assessment consisted of 30 MCQS and 4 coding questions. MCQs were based on CN, OS, DBMS, code snippets. 2 coding questions were on an easy level(matrix transpose and manipulation of array) and 1 was medium(mathematical calculations related to mean) and 1 was hard(Manipulation of string, did not remember the exact ques). I was able to solve 3 coding questions and got qualified for the round. Some of my friends who solved 2 coding questions were also promoted to further rounds....

2nd phase: – Interview round 1

Around 34 students were shortlisted for this round. It was a technical interview merely covering all CS fundamentals and live coding. The interview started with a self-introduction and rushed into the coding part. I was asked to share my screen and code the questions given by the interviewer, these consisted of basic manipulation of arrays, retrieving files and medium-level code related to the dictionary (coding questions — change the format of date, remove redundant data, list and string slicing, Store data in form of CSV file, manipulation on sets and lists, how a dictionary works, print dict in different forms as asked by the interviewer, convert ). Asked if knew Linux programming to which I answered no and it was followed by CN questions ( Networking(in-depth): DNS, TCP, UDP, subnet masking, how subnetworks, ipv4 dept concepts, NAT, Why can’t we use TCP to fetch DNS over UDP, retransmission in tcp, 3-way handshake ). It was followed by DBMS concepts and queries( how to create a table, why a group by used, retrieve max salary along with employee name and ID, asked about different keys, and constraints. ). The interview was held for around 1 hour....

3rd phase : – Interview round 2

8 students got shortlisted for this round. It was a combination of TR and HR. I was interviewed by a senior manager of the company. Started with the project and went deep into the architecture and working of the project, better if you have the project rather than just explaining the concept. Then again I was asked if I knew Linux programming to which I denied. Again I was asked in-depth CN questions followed by easy-level DBMS queries followed by HR questions( 1) If you are lagging in a specific area how do u try to overcome 2) If you are performing well and your boss does not recognize /over-burden what will be your reply be, prime num program, why this role? ). It was around 1 hour 5 mins long interview....

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