Mughal Relations with Other Rulers

The rulers who refused to accept the authority of the Mughals were constantly campaigned against. As the Mughals became powerful, many rulers like Rajputs joined in voluntarily. Many Rajputs married their daughters to Mughals and received high positions. Some Rajputs resisted as well.

However, even after defeat Mughals treated them honorably, giving them lands called Watan back as assignments, called Watan Jagirs. However, keeping a balance was not always an easy task for the Mughals.

Mughal Empire

From the latter half of the 16th century, the Mughals expanded their empire from Agra and Delhi, going on to control all of the subcontinents in the 17th century. Ruling a vast territory as the Indian subcontinent involving such a diverse group of people and cultures, was a very difficult task in medieval times. The Mughal Empire was in one of its best states during the 17th century. Prosperity in commercial and economic activities was evident during this period. 

Mughal Empire

Table of Content

  • Who were the Mughals?
  • List of Mughal Emperors in India (1526- 1857)
  • Mughal Military Campaigns
  • Mughal Tradition of Succession
  • Mansabdars and Jagirdars
  • Akbar’s Policies
  • Mughal Empire in the Seventeenth Century and After
  • Decline of the Mughal Dynasty

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FAQs on Mughal Empire

Humza Nama and Tuti Nama were made during the rule of which Mughal King?...

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