Major Elements of Malthusian Theory

There are some major elements of the malthusian theory which are as follows:

Population and Food supply

According to Malthus, population grows in the progression of geometric, it’s in the sequence of digits in which each term after the first is the result of multiplying the previous term with a fixed non-zero digit known as the common ratio. For instance, a sequence of 3, 9, 27, 81, 243 has the common ratio 3. Moving towards food availability and its resources, food’s progression inclines in an airthmetic progression in which number is in a sequence of constant difference between consecutive numerals. For example, in sequence 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, the constant difference is 2. Mathus determined this conclusion from the law of dimnishing returns. This only means that the population will continue to increase and it will result in shortage of food resources.

Positive Checks

Increasing population is a debatable issue in every phase of life. Nature has its self ways to keep its check on this rise of population. It has a power of bringing a balance between level of food availability and the population level. This includes earthquakes, floods, drought, famines, epidemics, wars, etc. Nature only interfere when the situation goes out of control as in the case of overpopulation.

Preventive Checks

The word “preventive” means to stop something to be happen by any cause. This element of malthusian theory of population also has a same meaning. Preventive measures like late marriages, self-control, and simple living are beneficial in balancing population growth and food supply. Overpopulation can be controlled from such measures so that it can be limit to some extent.

Malthusian Theory Of Population

Malthusian theory of population was first documented in 1798 in Thomas Robert Malthus’s book “An Essay on the Principle of Population”. He was an English theorist and economist. There are three major theories of population namely Malthus’s theory, Marx’s theory, and the theory of demographic transition. These theories provide important information about the population. Malthusian theory was the first theory of population which illustrates various fundamentals of the population like the growth rates and its relation with food supply. He also suggested some solutions to humankind so that they could deal with the impacts of population growth.

Table of Content

  • What is the Malthusian Theory of Population?
  • Major Elements of Malthusian Theory
  • Criticism of Malthusian Theory of Population
  • Malthusian Trap
  • Application of Malthusian Theory of Population
  • FAQs on Malthusian Theory Of Population

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