Limitations of initializer_list

The initializer lists also have some limitations associated with it:

  • Size cannot be changed: The size of initializer_list is fixed at compile time. It does not have a dynamic nature as a standard container such as a vector. The size of the initializer cannot be changed once it has been created.
  • Cannot access the elements randomly: initializer_list supports only forward iteration. We cannot access the desired or random element using the index as standard containers.
  • Immutable elements: The elements within an initializer_list are immutable. Once the list is created, the values cannot be modified. Any attempt to modify the elements through the iterator or by any other means will result in a compilation error.

std::initializer_list in C++ 11

The std::initializer_list class template was added in C++ 11 and contains many built-in functions to perform various operations with the initializer list. It provides member functions like a size(), begin(), end(), and constructor to construct, iterate, and access elements of the initializer list.

To use initializer_list, you need to include the <initializer_list> header in your C++ program.

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