Kalibangan: Artefacts

The archaeological excavations at Kalibangan, a site belonging to the Harappan Civilization, have revealed a diverse range of artifacts that offer valuable insights into the material culture and daily life of its ancient inhabitants. Here are some notable artifacts discovered at Kalibangan:

  1. Pottery:
    • Various types of pottery have been unearthed, including well-crafted jars, bowls, and storage vessels.
    • The pottery exhibits a high level of craftsmanship, often adorned with intricate designs and patterns.
  2. Terracotta Figurines:
    • Kalibangan has yielded a significant number of terracotta figurines depicting human and animal forms.
    • These figurines serve as evidence of the artistic skills and cultural practices of the Harappan people.
  3. Seals:
    • Seals with engraved Harappan script have been discovered at Kalibangan.
    • These seals were likely used for trade and administrative purposes, showcasing a standardized system of communication.
  4. Beads and Ornaments:
    • Beads made from various materials, including semi-precious stones, shell, and metal, have been found.
    • The beads suggest a thriving bead-making industry and were likely used for personal adornment and trade.
  5. Copper Tools and Implements:
    • Copper tools such as knives, needles, and fish hooks have been unearthed.
    • These tools indicate a level of technological advancement in metalworking and were likely used for various purposes, including daily tasks and craft activities.

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In Conclusion, Kalibangan represents an important period in the Harappan Civilization’s history and provides insight into the intricate workings of a prehistoric urban society. This archaeological site in Rajasthan, India was found in 1953 and explored over the next few decades. The excavations provided important new information on the dynamics of the Early and Mature Harappan eras....

FAQs : Kalibangan: Harappan Civilization

What is Kalibangan famous for in Harappan civilization?...

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