Installation of Apache2 on Ubuntu

Step 1: Update the repositories by using the below command.

sudo apt update


Step 2: Install the apache2 package by using the apt package manager. Execute the below command in the terminal.

sudo apt-get install apache2


How to install and set up Apache Virtual Hosts on Ubuntu?

Every website that is published on the Internet is housed on a web server (host), which is able to handle requests for web pages made by clients using browsers like Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer and is connected to the network with a public IP address. Install a web server before hosting a website on your computer. One of the most well-known options is Apache, a free application that runs on both Windows and Unix platforms. When several domains are hosted on the same server, it is referred to as “virtual hosting.” A Virtual Host is an Apache configuration directive that enables you to run several websites on a single server on Linux-based systems like Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Types of Virtual Hosting are been described below:

  • IP-Based Virtual Hosting: Each website on the Apache Server has its own distinct IP address.
  • Name-Based Virtual Hosts: This allows you to add several domains with just one IP address.

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