Install Appium Using Appium Desktop GUI

Step 1: Open the Appium Desktop GitHub page

  1. Here they say =”appium Desktop is unsupported, no longer maintained, and has known security vulnerabilities.
  2. It is advised not to use it at all. See the README for more information. Use at your own risk.

Note: New beta versions are released often. So, Even if you see a newer version of Appium on Github, please go ahead and download that version. The steps given in this article will be the same (only the screenshot contents might change).

Github Appium

Step 2: Open the Appium server installer

1. Once you have downloaded the appium as shown above now click on the installer.

open installer

2. Drag Installer.

complete the installer

Step 3: Open the Appium desktop

Appium is started successfully

Step 4: Change Port number (optional)

If you want to change the port number then you can change it easily.

click pause button

Click that button as shown above and then the below screen will open.

Re-start the Server with different port number

Note: Changing the port number of appium is safe so you can change it but if the server is on through the terminal and you are still trying to run the server using GUI then it will raise an error for this you can stop anyone or change the port number

How to Install Appium on Mac?

Imagine you have a smartphone with lots of different apps on it. Now, testing those apps to make sure they work properly can be a big job, especially if they need to work on different kinds of phones like iPhones and Androids. That’s where Appium comes in! Appium is like a special tool that helps to test these apps automatically.

Table of Content

  • What is Appium?
  • Prerequisites
  • Software Needed for Appium Installation
  • Install Appium Using npm (command-line approach)
  • Install Appium Using Appium Desktop GUI
  • Install Appium with Android Studio
  • Configure Appium in Android Studio
  • Common Error of Appium
  • Conclusion

Instead of someone having to tap on buttons and type things over and over again, Appium can do it automatically. It’s kind of like a robot tester for apps and it works for all sorts of apps, whether they’re for playing games, shopping online, or checking the weather. So, it’s like having an automatic tester tool that checks all your apps to make sure they’re working just right!

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What is Appium?

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Software Needed for Appium Installation

macOS: Any version Xcode(If you are using Xcode): Xcode is Apple’s integrated development environment (IDE) for macOS, used for developing iOS applications. It includes the iOS SDK, compilers, simulators, and other development tools necessary for iOS app development and testing. You can download Xcode for free from the Mac App Store. Android Studios(If you are using Android Studios) Homebrew: Install Homebrew Node.js and npm: Node.js: Node.js is an essential component for running Appium. Appium is built on top of Node.js, which is a JavaScript runtime environment npm (Node Package Manager): Node.js comes with npm, a package manager for JavaScript. npm allows you to easily install, manage, and distribute JavaScript libraries and dependencies, including the Appium package itself Java Development Kit (JDK): The JDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. Xcode: If you are installing the appium for the Xcode(Swift) then no need to download the JDK. Android Studios: If you are installing the appium for the Android studio then you will need idk. Xcode and Xcode Command Line Tools (for iOS automation): You will need Xcode ide if you want appium for Swift/Flutter Homebrew package manager: Homebrew is a package manager for macOS which makes it easy to install and manage software packages and dependencies....

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Install Appium Using Appium Desktop GUI

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Install Appium with Android Studio

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Configure Appium in Android Studio

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Common Error of Appium

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Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How to start the Appium server?...

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