Initial Hearings of the Alipore Bomb Case

49 defendants were charged with “organizing to wage war against the government” and “waging war against the King” during the initial hearing in the case of Emperor v. Aurobindo Ghosh. Leonard Birley, ICS, and Eardley Norton led the prosecution. Because of Anushilan Samiti’s organizational structure and Aurobindo’s involvement in it, nothing was known about him personally despite the overwhelming evidence against the majority of the defendants. The prosecution sought to condemn Aurobindo because he was thought to be the most dangerous person leading the Samiti movement against the Raj.

Murder of Naren Goswami

Naren Goswami, a prosperous Anushilanite from Bengal, was the target of the prosecution’s search for witnesses to accuse Aurobindo. Goswami received a pardon in return for becoming a “King’s witness”. Using the discretionary powers that the Bengali government had granted him, Birley denied the defense’s efforts to cross-examine Goswami. On August 31, prisoners who had waged war against the King were condemned to stand trial. Using explosives, weaponry that had been smuggled into the jail, and acid, Barin Ghosh planned a jailbreak. But Goswami’s evidence might also implicate the Ghosh Brothers and a host of other people. Naren’s voice was silenced by Hem Chandra Das. Goswami was pursued by Kanailal Dutt and Satyendranath Bosu as they pretended to have abdominal pain. They fatally wounded Goswami by shooting him many times. Dutta entered a guilty plea, was found guilty, and hung. Despite the jury’s original verdict of not guilty, Bose was ultimately convicted guilty and given the death penalty.

Alipore Bomb Case, 1908

Alipore Bomb Case 1908: The Alipore Bomb Case of 1908 refers to a significant legal and political event during British colonial rule in India. The incident revolved around an attempted assassination of a British judge, Kingsford, and the subsequent trial of several individuals associated with revolutionary activities against the colonial government. This event not only highlighted the clash between imperial authority and nationalist aspirations but also had far-reaching consequences for the trajectory of the Indian independence movement.

In this article, you will learn about Alipore Bombing Case of 1908, along with its background, aftermath, hearing, verdict and the impact of the case on Indian Independence Movement.

Table of Content

  • What is the Alipore Bomb Case of 1908?
  • Background of Alipore Bomb Case
  • Muzaffarpur Bombings and Aftermath
  • Initial Hearings of the Alipore Bomb Case
  • Alipore Sessions Court
  • The Verdict of the Alipore Bomb Case
  • Impact of Alipore Bomb Case on Indian Independence Movement

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Alipore Sessions Court

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