
The structure comprises two components:

Sentence Encoder

  • The first is a sentence encoder responsible for receiving word vectors and transforming sentences into encoded vectors.
  • InferSent starts with pre-trained word embeddings. Words are embedded into continuous vector representations.
  • These embeddings serve as the input to the bi-directional LSTM that is capable of capturing sequential information and dependencies in data.
  • After processing the input sentence through the bi-directional LSTM, a pooling layer is applied to obtain a fixed-size vector representation of the entire sentence. Common pooling techniques include max pooling, mean pooling, or concatenation of the final hidden states.


  • The pooled sentence representation is fed through one or more fully connected layers.
  • These layers serve as the classifier part whick that takes the pooled encoded vectors as input and generates a classification, identifying whether the relationship between the sentences is entailment, contradiction, or neutral.
  • 3 matching methods are applied to extract relations between pair of sentences u and v.
    • concatenation of the two representations (u, v)
    • element-wise product u * v
    • element-wise difference |u — v |
  • The resulting vector is fed into a 3-class classifier (entailment, contradiction, and neutral) consisting of multiple fully connected layers followed by a SoftMax layer.

Training Sentence Encoder for Classification

Python Implementation

Implementing an infersent model is a bit lengthy process as there is no standard hugging face API available. Infersent comes traiend in two version. Version1 is trained with Glove and Version2 is trained with FastText wordembedding. We will use version 2 as it takes less time to download and process.

First, we need to build the infersent model. The below class does that. It has been sourced from Python Zoo model.


#Infersenct model class # copied from infersent github
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
from random import randint
import numpy as np
import torch
import time
import torch.nn as nn
class InferSent(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, config):
        super(InferSent, self).__init__()
        self.bsize = config['bsize']
        self.word_emb_dim = config['word_emb_dim']
        self.enc_lstm_dim = config['enc_lstm_dim']
        self.pool_type = config['pool_type']
        self.dpout_model = config['dpout_model']
        self.version = 1 if 'version' not in config else config['version']
        self.enc_lstm = nn.LSTM(self.word_emb_dim, self.enc_lstm_dim, 1,
                                bidirectional=True, dropout=self.dpout_model)
        assert self.version in [1, 2]
        if self.version == 1:
            self.bos = '<s>'
            self.eos = '</s>'
            self.max_pad = True
            self.moses_tok = False
        elif self.version == 2:
            self.bos = '<p>'
            self.eos = '</p>'
            self.max_pad = False
            self.moses_tok = True
    def is_cuda(self):
        # either all weights are on cpu or they are on gpu
    def forward(self, sent_tuple):
        # sent_len: [max_len, ..., min_len] (bsize)
        # sent: (seqlen x bsize x worddim)
        sent, sent_len = sent_tuple
        # Sort by length (keep idx)
        sent_len_sorted, idx_sort = np.sort(sent_len)[::-1], np.argsort(-sent_len)
        sent_len_sorted = sent_len_sorted.copy()
        idx_unsort = np.argsort(idx_sort)
        idx_sort = torch.from_numpy(idx_sort).cuda() if self.is_cuda() \
            else torch.from_numpy(idx_sort)
        sent = sent.index_select(1, idx_sort)
        # Handling padding in Recurrent Networks
        sent_packed = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(sent, sent_len_sorted)
        sent_output = self.enc_lstm(sent_packed)[0# seqlen x batch x 2*nhid
        sent_output = nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(sent_output)[0]
        # Un-sort by length
        idx_unsort = torch.from_numpy(idx_unsort).cuda() if self.is_cuda() \
            else torch.from_numpy(idx_unsort)
        sent_output = sent_output.index_select(1, idx_unsort)
        # Pooling
        if self.pool_type == "mean":
            sent_len = torch.FloatTensor(sent_len.copy()).unsqueeze(1).cuda()
            emb = torch.sum(sent_output, 0).squeeze(0)
            emb = emb / sent_len.expand_as(emb)
        elif self.pool_type == "max":
            if not self.max_pad:
                sent_output[sent_output == 0] = -1e9
            emb = torch.max(sent_output, 0)[0]
            if emb.ndimension() == 3:
                emb = emb.squeeze(0)
                assert emb.ndimension() == 2
        return emb
    def set_w2v_path(self, w2v_path):
        self.w2v_path = w2v_path
    def get_word_dict(self, sentences, tokenize=True):
        # create vocab of words
        word_dict = {}
        sentences = [s.split() if not tokenize else self.tokenize(s) for s in sentences]
        for sent in sentences:
            for word in sent:
                if word not in word_dict:
                    word_dict[word] = ''
        word_dict[self.bos] = ''
        word_dict[self.eos] = ''
        return word_dict
    def get_w2v(self, word_dict):
        assert hasattr(self, 'w2v_path'), 'w2v path not set'
        # create word_vec with w2v vectors
        word_vec = {}
        with open(self.w2v_path) as f:
            for line in f:
                word, vec = line.split(' ', 1)
                if word in word_dict:
                    word_vec[word] = np.fromstring(vec, sep=' ')
        print('Found %s(/%s) words with w2v vectors' % (len(word_vec), len(word_dict)))
        return word_vec
    def get_w2v_k(self, K):
        assert hasattr(self, 'w2v_path'), 'w2v path not set'
        # create word_vec with k first w2v vectors
        k = 0
        word_vec = {}
        with open(self.w2v_path) as f:
            for line in f:
                word, vec = line.split(' ', 1)
                if k <= K:
                    word_vec[word] = np.fromstring(vec, sep=' ')
                    k += 1
                if k > K:
                    if word in [self.bos, self.eos]:
                        word_vec[word] = np.fromstring(vec, sep=' ')
                if k > K and all([w in word_vec for w in [self.bos, self.eos]]):
        return word_vec
    def build_vocab(self, sentences, tokenize=True):
        assert hasattr(self, 'w2v_path'), 'w2v path not set'
        word_dict = self.get_word_dict(sentences, tokenize)
        self.word_vec = self.get_w2v(word_dict)
        print('Vocab size : %s' % (len(self.word_vec)))
    # build w2v vocab with k most frequent words
    def build_vocab_k_words(self, K):
        assert hasattr(self, 'w2v_path'), 'w2v path not set'
        self.word_vec = self.get_w2v_k(K)
        print('Vocab size : %s' % (K))
    def update_vocab(self, sentences, tokenize=True):
        assert hasattr(self, 'w2v_path'), 'warning : w2v path not set'
        assert hasattr(self, 'word_vec'), 'build_vocab before updating it'
        word_dict = self.get_word_dict(sentences, tokenize)
        # keep only new words
        for word in self.word_vec:
            if word in word_dict:
                del word_dict[word]
        # udpate vocabulary
        if word_dict:
            new_word_vec = self.get_w2v(word_dict)
            new_word_vec = []
        print('New vocab size : %s (added %s words)'% (len(self.word_vec), len(new_word_vec)))
    def get_batch(self, batch):
        # sent in batch in decreasing order of lengths
        # batch: (bsize, max_len, word_dim)
        embed = np.zeros((len(batch[0]), len(batch), self.word_emb_dim))
        for i in range(len(batch)):
            for j in range(len(batch[i])):
                embed[j, i, :] = self.word_vec[batch[i][j]]
        return torch.FloatTensor(embed)
    def tokenize(self, s):
        from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
        if self.moses_tok:
            s = ' '.join(word_tokenize(s))
            s = s.replace(" n't ", "n 't "# HACK to get ~MOSES tokenization
            return s.split()
            return word_tokenize(s)
    def prepare_samples(self, sentences, bsize, tokenize, verbose):
        sentences = [[self.bos] + s.split() + [self.eos] if not tokenize else
                     [self.bos] + self.tokenize(s) + [self.eos] for s in sentences]
        n_w = np.sum([len(x) for x in sentences])
        # filters words without w2v vectors
        for i in range(len(sentences)):
            s_f = [word for word in sentences[i] if word in self.word_vec]
            if not s_f:
                import warnings
                warnings.warn('No words in "%s" (idx=%s) have w2v vectors. \
                               Replacing by "</s>"..' % (sentences[i], i))
                s_f = [self.eos]
            sentences[i] = s_f
        lengths = np.array([len(s) for s in sentences])
        n_wk = np.sum(lengths)
        if verbose:
            print('Nb words kept : %s/%s (%.1f%s)' % (
                        n_wk, n_w, 100.0 * n_wk / n_w, '%'))
        # sort by decreasing length
        lengths, idx_sort = np.sort(lengths)[::-1], np.argsort(-lengths)
        sentences = np.array(sentences)[idx_sort]
        return sentences, lengths, idx_sort
    def encode(self, sentences, bsize=64, tokenize=True, verbose=False):
        tic = time.time()
        sentences, lengths, idx_sort = self.prepare_samples(
                        sentences, bsize, tokenize, verbose)
        embeddings = []
        for stidx in range(0, len(sentences), bsize):
            batch = self.get_batch(sentences[stidx:stidx + bsize])
            if self.is_cuda():
                batch = batch.cuda()
            with torch.no_grad():
                batch = self.forward((batch, lengths[stidx:stidx + bsize])).data.cpu().numpy()
        embeddings = np.vstack(embeddings)
        # unsort
        idx_unsort = np.argsort(idx_sort)
        embeddings = embeddings[idx_unsort]
        if verbose:
            print('Speed : %.1f sentences/s (%s mode, bsize=%s)' % (
                    'gpu' if self.is_cuda() else 'cpu', bsize))
        return embeddings
    def visualize(self, sent, tokenize=True):
        sent = sent.split() if not tokenize else self.tokenize(sent)
        sent = [[self.bos] + [word for word in sent if word in self.word_vec] + [self.eos]]
        if ' '.join(sent[0]) == '%s %s' % (self.bos, self.eos):
            import warnings
            warnings.warn('No words in "%s" have w2v vectors. Replacing \
                           by "%s %s"..' % (sent, self.bos, self.eos))
        batch = self.get_batch(sent)
        if self.is_cuda():
            batch = batch.cuda()
        output = self.enc_lstm(batch)[0]
        output, idxs = torch.max(output, 0)
        # output, idxs = output.squeeze(), idxs.squeeze()
        idxs =
        argmaxs = [np.sum((idxs == k)) for k in range(len(sent[0]))]
        # visualize model
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        x = range(len(sent[0]))
        y = [100.0 * n / np.sum(argmaxs) for n in argmaxs]
        plt.xticks(x, sent[0], rotation=45), y)
        plt.title('Visualisation of words importance')
        return output, idxs, argmaxs


Next, we download the state-of-the-art fastText embeddings and download the pre-trained models.


!mkdir fastText
!curl -Lo fastText/
!unzip fastText/ -d fastText/
!mkdir encoder
!curl -Lo encoder/infersent2.pkl


  • The code downloads the Punkt tokenizer model from NLTK, which is used for tokenization.
  • We then set the path (MODEL_PATH) to the pre-trained InferSent model file and loads its weights into an instance of the InferSent class.
  • We specify the path to our word embeddings(W2V_PATH)
  • The build_vocab_k_words method is called to load the embeddings for the K most frequent words (in this case, the top 100,000 words).


import nltk'punkt')
MODEL_PATH = 'encoder/infersent2.pkl'
params_model = {'bsize': 64, 'word_emb_dim': 300, 'enc_lstm_dim': 2048,
                'pool_type': 'max', 'dpout_model': 0.0}
model = InferSent(params_model)
W2V_PATH = 'fastText/crawl-300d-2M.vec'
# Load embeddings of K most frequent words


We then use the model for inference


# Sample sentence
from scipy.spatial import distance
sentences = ["The movie is awesome. It was a good thriller",
             "We are learning NLP throughg w3wiki",
             "The baby learned to walk in the 5th month itself"]
test = "I liked the movie"
print('Test Sentence:', test)
test_vec = model.encode([test])[0]
for sent in sentences:
    similarity_score = 1-distance.cosine(test_vec, model.encode([sent])[0])
    print(f'\nFor {sent}\nSimilarity Score = {similarity_score} ')



Test Sentence: I liked the movie

For The movie is awesome. It was a good thriller
Similarity Score = 0.5299297571182251

For We are learning NLP throughg w3wiki
Similarity Score = 0.33156681060791016

For The baby learned to walk in the 5th month itself
Similarity Score = 0.20128820836544037

Different Techniques for Sentence Semantic Similarity in NLP

Semantic similarity is the similarity between two words or two sentences/phrase/text. It measures how close or how different the two pieces of word or text are in terms of their meaning and context.

In this article, we will focus on how the semantic similarity between two sentences is derived. We will cover the following most used models.

  1. Dov2Vec – An extension of word2vec
  2. SBERT – Transformer-based model in which the encoder part captures the meaning of words in a sentence.
  3. InferSent -It uses bi-directional LSTM to encode sentences and infer semantics.
  4. USE (universal sentence encoder) – It’s a model trained by Google that generates fixed-size embeddings for sentences that can be used for any NLP task.

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USE – Universal Sentence Encoder



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