NLP | Chunk Tree to Text and Chaining Chunk Transformation
We can convert a tree or subtree back to a sentence or chunk string. To understand how to do it – the code below uses the first tree of the treebank_chunk corpus....
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Difference between Recursive and Recurrent Neural Network
Recursive Neural Networks (RvNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are used for processing sequential data, yet they diverge in their structural approach. Let’s understand the difference between this architecture in detail....
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NLP | Categorized Text Corpus
If we have a large number of text data, then one can categorize it to separate sections....
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NLP | Classifier-based tagging
ClassifierBasedPOSTagger class:...
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Rule Based Approach in NLP
Natural Language Processing serves as an interrelationship between human language and computers. It is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence that helps machines process, understand and generate natural language intuitively. Common tasks done by NLP are text and speech processing, language translation, sentiment analysis, etc. The use cases include spam detection, chatbots, text summarization, etc....
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LughaatNLP: A Powerful Urdu Language Preprocessing Library
In recent years, natural language processing (NLP) has witnessed tremendous growth. Now researchers and developers are exploring various languages beyond English. Urdu is one of the widely spoken languages in South Asia. To help with Urdu language processing tasks, a new and robust preprocessing library called LughaatNLP has arisen as a vital tool for researchers, developers, and language fans alike....
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RNN for Text Classifications in NLP
In this article, we will learn how we can use recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for text classification tasks in natural language processing (NLP). We would be performing sentiment analysis, one of the text classification techniques on the IMDB movie review dataset. We would implement the network from scratch and train it to identify if the review is positive or negative....
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Create Your own Intents and Entities in Dialogflow Chatbot
Dialogflow is a powerful, natural language understanding engine to process and understand natural language input. In other words, it lets you easily achieve a conversational user experience by handling the natural language understanding for you....
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NLP | Combining NGram Taggers
NgramTagger has 3 subclasses...
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NLP | Wordlist Corpus
What is a corpus? A corpus can be defined as a collection of text documents. It can be thought as just a bunch of text files in a directory, often alongside many other directories of text files....
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NLP | Partial parsing with Regex
Code #1 :...
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Algorithms
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries, transforming the way we interact with technology. With a growing interest in mastering AI, we’ve crafted a tutorial on AI algorithms, based on extensive research in the field. This tutorial covers core algorithms that serve as the backbone of artificially intelligent systems....
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