Important Terms Related to Wave Motion

The following important terms are related to wave motion. These terms are

  • Reflection
  • Refraction
  • Intensity
  • Angular Frequency
  • Polarization
  • Time Difference
  • Phase Difference
  • Path Difference

Below is the explanation of each terminology:


Reflection is an important property of wave motion that is displayed by visible light. Reflection arises when the light which is travelling through a specific medium is incident onto a boundary between two media, and the light ‘bounces’ off the boundary or changes direction upon striking this boundary and moves on in the initial medium.


Refraction is an another important property of wave motion that is exhibited by visible light. It comes when light rays move from one medium to another medium and for this, it changes direction and speed. Refraction can be happened in sound waves, water waves and other waves along with light waves.

It can be possible for us to have lenses, magnifying glasses, prisms and rainbows by the bending property of refraction. Even our eyes depend upon the bending property of refraction of light. We couldn’t be able to focus light onto our retina without refraction of light.

Read More About, Refraction of Light

Doppler Effect

Doppler effect is identified as the motion-related frequency change. It is applicable for both sound waves and electromagnetic waves. Doppler effect is the fluctuation in the intensity of sound because of distance. The decrease in the sound of the loudspeaker when a person moves away and the sound gradual increase when the person comes near, is an example of the doppler effect.

Also Check, Doppler Effect


Intensity of wave is the energy carried by a wave per unit time across a unit area surface. The SI unit of Intensity is watts per square meter (W/m²). The intensity of a wave is the property that is proportional to the square of its amplitude.

For example, the intensity of an electromagnetic wave is proportional to the square of the wave’s electric field amplitude.

Read More, Intensity


Polarization refers to the orientation of the oscillations of a wave in a particular direction. It is a phenomenon that occurs primarily in transverse waves, such as electromagnetic waves (e.g., light waves) and some mechanical waves (e.g., waves on a string). The best well known example of polarization is Linear and circulation polarization.

Read More About, Polarization


Interference is a phenomenon that occurs when two or more waves meet at the same point in space and time. It results from the superposition of wave patterns, where the waves combine to form a resultant wave. Interference is two types – constructive and destructive interference.

Angular Frequency

Angular Frequency is the rate at which the change in rotation takes place or the rate at which change in the sinusoidal waves occurs. In other words, we can define, Angular Frequency is the angular displacement of an element of a wave per unit time.

The SI unit of angular frequency in radian per second and the equation of angular frequency can be written as,

ω =2πf


ω = angular Frequency and

f = frequency

Time Difference (ΔT)

Time difference means the time taken to travel from one point to another by the wave through the medium.

Phase Difference (ΔΦ)

Phase difference means the different states of vibration of a particle at two different instants. It is represented as:

ΔΦ = Φ2 – Φ1

The phase difference is defined as the time gap between two or more waves that can be either fall behind or leads in correspondence to one another. Phase difference is a characteristic of a single wave and it is the relative characteristic of two or more waves. It is also identified as either offset or angle. This is generally symbolized by the letter Ф. The entire phase of the wave is shown as 2π.

Path Difference (Δx) or (x)

Path difference means the distance between two points along the direction of propagation of the wave through the medium.

It is referred as the difference in distance between the source and the observer. To determine both the constructive and destructive wave interference, path difference is generally used.

Relationship Between Path Difference and Phase Difference

Phase difference and path difference are directly proportional to each other. Let us suppose there are two waves having the same frequency, then phase difference and path difference is related as –

Δx = Δϕλ/2π


Δx = path difference

Δϕ = phase difference

Different Between Path Difference and Phase Difference

The difference between Path difference and Phase difference is described below:

Path Difference vs Phase Difference


Phase difference

Path difference


Phase difference means the difference in the phase angle of two waves.

Path difference means the difference in the path travelled by two waves.





Radian or Degree



Δϕ = 2πΔx/λ

Δx = Δϕλ/2π

Read More,

Wave Motion

Wave Motion refers to the transfer of energy and momentum from one point to another in a medium without actually transporting matter between the two points. Wave motion is a kind of disturbance from place to place. Wave can travel in solid medium, liquid medium, gas medium, and in a vacuum. Sound waves, light waves, ocean waves, seismic waves, and microwaves are examples of wave motion.

Through this article, we will learn more about wave motion, types of waves, wave motion characteristics, and some important terms related to wave motion.

Table of Content

  • What is Wave Motion?
  • Classification of Wave Motion
  • Wave Motion Characteristics
  • Important Terms Related to Wave Motion

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