Classification of Wave Motion

Waves can be classified in various waves based on different parameters. The main classification parameters are described below:

  • Classification Based on Medium of Propagation
  • Classification based on the Motion of Wave in a Space
  • Classification Based on Transfer of Energy

Classification Based on Motion of Wave in Space

The waves are classified into three types based on the motion of wave in a space. They are as follows:

  • One-Dimensional waves
  • Two-Dimensional waves
  • Three-Dimensional waves

Wave Type



One-Dimensional waves

The wave that moves along one dimension only is called a one-dimensional wave.

Waves produced in a string.

Two-Dimensional waves

The wave that moves in a plane is called a two-dimensional wave.

Ripple in water.

Three-Dimensional waves

The wave that moves in a three-dimensional space is called a three-dimensional wave.

Propagation of light and sound waves.

Classification Based on Medium of Propagation

Waves are classified into three types based on the requirement of medium. They are as follows :

  • Mechanical waves
  • Electromagnetic waves
  • Matter waves.

Mechanical Waves

Mechanical wave is a disturbance in matter that transfers energy through the material medium (solid, liquid or gas). Mechanical waves can not propagate in vacuum. Mechanical waves can travel in air, water and solid Earth. Mechanical waves are classified into three types which are:

  • Longitudinal waves
  • Transverse waves and
  • Surface waves.

Mechanical waves carry or transport energy like the all other waves. The direction of energy propagation and mechanical waves propagation is in the same direction.

Electromagnetic/Non-mechanical waves

Electromagnetic waves or non-mechanical waves are the waves that do not require any medium for their propagation. Electromagnetic waves are produced when electrically charged particles accelerate and interact with other particles.

In an electromagnetic wave, the electric field and magnetic field come to contact perpendicularly (at right angles) to each other. The direction of Electromagnetic waves are perpendicular to the direction of the electric field and magnetic field.

Electromagnetic waves are further classified into the following:

  • Radio Waves
  • Microwaves
  • Infrared Waves
  • Visible Light
  • Ultraviolet Waves
  • X-rays
  • Gamma Rays

Learn more about, Electromagnetic Waves

Matter Waves

According to De-Broglie, matter waves are the waves which is associated with each moving particle. According to this concept, when matter particles are in motion at higher velocities, they exhibit wave-like behavior. The associated wavelength of these matter waves is known as the De Broglie wavelength and is defined by the equation:

λ = h / p


  • h is Planck’s constant (6.62 × 10-34 m2 kg/s),
  • p is the momentum of the particle,
  • m is the mass of the particle, and
  • v is the velocity of the particle.

Classification Based on Transfer of Energy

Depending upon the transfer of energy, waves are classified into two types. These are –

  • Progressive waves
  • Stationary waves

Progressive Wave

Progressive Wave travels continuously in a certain direction in a medium. Progressive wave is also known as travelling wave. In an infinite or unbounded medium, the progressive wave travels in a particular direction transferring energy and momentum between the particles of that medium.

Stationary Waves or Standing Waves

Stationary waves are produced when two similar waves having same amplitudes and same wavelengths traveling in the same straight line, but in opposite directions and collides each other. They appear stationary, with nodes (points of zero amplitude) and antinodes (points of maximum amplitude).

Types of Wave

Apart from other discussed classification of waves, some other types of wave are illustrated in the table below:

Wave Type



Periodic Wave

Periodic Wave waves repeat their pattern of oscillation regularly over time.

Sine waves and Square waves.

Non-periodic Wave

Non-periodic Wave does not repeat their pattern of oscillation regularly over time.

Transient signals and Noise.

Transverse Wave

In transverse waves, the particles of the medium oscillate perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation

Light waves and waves on a string.

Longitudinal Wave

In longitudinal waves, the particles of the medium oscillate parallel to the direction of wave propagation.

Sound waves and Seismic waves.

Surface Wave

Surface Waves travel along the boundary between two different media.

Surface of water wave.

Body Wave

Body waves propagate through the interior of a medium.

Sound waves traveling through air.

Continous Wave

Continous waves have a continuous range of frequencies or wavelengths and are characterized by a smooth, uninterrupted oscillation pattern.

Sine waves and Cosine waves.

Discrete Wave

Discrete waves have distinct, separated frequencies or wavelengths. They are characterized by a discontinuous or discrete set of oscillation

Pulse waves.

Linear Wave

Linear waves follow the principle of superposition, where the combined effect of multiple waves is the algebraic sum of their individual effects

Light Waves in a Homogeneous Medium.

Non-linear Wave

Non-linear waves that do not obey the principle of superposition and can exhibit complex behaviours.

Shock Waves.

Also Check, Types of Wave

Wave Motion

Wave Motion refers to the transfer of energy and momentum from one point to another in a medium without actually transporting matter between the two points. Wave motion is a kind of disturbance from place to place. Wave can travel in solid medium, liquid medium, gas medium, and in a vacuum. Sound waves, light waves, ocean waves, seismic waves, and microwaves are examples of wave motion.

Through this article, we will learn more about wave motion, types of waves, wave motion characteristics, and some important terms related to wave motion.

Table of Content

  • What is Wave Motion?
  • Classification of Wave Motion
  • Wave Motion Characteristics
  • Important Terms Related to Wave Motion

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