If you are the Workspace Owner

  • Step1: Sign In to Postman: Log in to your Postman account using your credentials.
  • Step2: Navigate to Workspaces: Click on the “Workspaces” tab in the left sidebar to view a list of all workspaces.
  • Step3: Select the Private Workspace: Find the private workspace you want to access and click on its name to enter it.

If you are a Member with Access:

  • Step1: Sign In to Postman: Log in to your Postman account using your credentials.
  • Step2: Accept Workspace Invitation: If you’ve been invited to a private workspace, you should receive an email notification or an in-app notification. Accept the invitation by following the provided link or navigating to the invitation section within Postman.
  • Step3: Navigate to Workspaces: Once you’ve accepted the invitation, click on the “Workspaces” tab in the left sidebar to view a list of all workspaces.
  • Step4: Select the Private Workspace: Find the private workspace you’ve been invited to and click on its name to enter it.
  • Step5: Work within the Workspace: Once inside the workspace, you can collaborate with other members, work on API development tasks, and access resources shared within the workspace.

If you are an Administrator:

  • Step1: Sign In to Postman: Log in to your Postman account using your credentials.
  • Step2: Manage Workspace Access: As an administrator, you have the ability to manage workspace access and permissions. You can grant access to specific users or teams by inviting them to the workspace.
  • Step3: Navigate to Workspaces: Click on the “Workspaces” tab in the left sidebar to view a list of all workspaces.
  • Step4: Select the Private Workspace: Find the private workspace you want to manage and click on its name to enter it.
  • Step5: Manage Members: Within the workspace settings, you can manage members, roles, and permissions. Invite new members, modify access levels, or remove members as needed.

Creating and managing workspaces in Postman

A workspace in Postman is a shared environment where team members can collaborate on API development. It serves as a centralized hub for storing API requests, collections, environments, and other resources related to API development.

Table of Content

  • Steps to access Posstman Workspaces
  • Getting the workspace ID
  • Accessing private workspaces
  • Editing workspace details
  • Changing workspace visibility
  • Sharing workspaces
  • Approving requests for access to private workspaces
  • Managing workspace roles
  • Watching and moving elements to the workspace
  • Deleting a workspace
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion

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