Ideas of Development

Contestation over the idea of development is common, as it holds different meanings for various segments of society. For instance, an industrialist planning a steel plant, an urban steel consumer, and an Adivasi living in the region would perceive development differently, leading to contradictions and conflicts.

In the early years after Independence, there was considerable debate around development, often referencing the ‘West’ as the benchmark for measuring progress. Development was equated with modernization, mirroring the industrialized countries of the West, which involved the breakdown of traditional social structures and the emergence of capitalism and liberalism. This concept of development emphasized growth, material advancement, and scientific rationality.

India faced two models of modern development at Independence: the liberal-capitalist model predominant in Europe and the US, and the socialist model seen in the USSR. While some were drawn to the Soviet model, including leaders of the Communist Party of India and the Socialist Party, others, like Nehru within the Congress, leaned towards socialist principles. The capitalist model found fewer proponents.

This reflected a consensus forged during the national movement, with nationalist leaders emphasizing that the economic agenda of independent India should diverge from the colonial government’s commercial focus. Poverty alleviation and economic redistribution were viewed as government responsibilities, leading to debates on whether industrialization or rural poverty alleviation should be prioritized.

Chapter 3: Political Contestation| Class 12 Political Science Notes

India has faced many important decisions, which are entangled with each other, but is guided by a common motive of economic development. Disagreements did arose with regards to the role of government in achivement of such a goal. There was questioning on the role of government in development, divergence on extent of centralisation and so forth. Let us discuss the political contestations in details!

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Ideas of Development

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