How to make a basic Scatterplot using Plotly and Python ?

Let’s start with making a very basic plot known as  Scatterplot. Scatterplot helps in finding the relationship between two variables . It tells us whether the two variables are positively related, negatively related or not related at all.



import plotly.offline as pyo
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import numpy as np
# creating random data through randomint
# function of numpy.random
random_x= np.random.randint(1,101,100)
random_y= np.random.randint(1,101,100)
# create variable data which holds the data
                 marker= dict(size= 12,
                               color= 'rgb(51,204,153)',
                               symbol= 'pentagon',
                               line= {'width':2}
                               ) )]
# create layout of scatter plot
layout=go.Layout(title='Random Scatter Plot',
                 xaxis= {'title':'X-AXIS'}  ,
                 yaxis= dict(title='Y-AXIS'),
                 hovermode= 'closest' )
# create figure variable to pass the
# data and Layout
fig= go.Figure(data=data , layout=layout)
# call plot function using plotly offline
pyo.plot(fig, filename='scatterplot-1.html')

Output :-

Note: Last line of code will generate a file named scatterplot-1.html . Then open this file in your web browser . You will see the same output there.

How to make a basic Scatterplot using Python-Plotly?

Plotly is a graphing library for making high quality interactive graphs and charts. It is an open source library used for data visualization . This library can be used with three programming languages namely Python, R and Javascript. Using Plotly is very easy and you can make any type of graph using this library.  It can generate Statistical charts, financial charts, Scientific charts, maps , 3D charts, subplots, etc.

But there are many other libraries like seaborn , matplotlib, bokeh available for data visualization. Then, why to choose Plotly?

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Advantages of Plotly

It provides large number of functions to visualize any kind of data . It is very simple, user friendly yet flexible. It allows you to embed your interactive plots in your project using HTML. Compatible with number of programming languages like ruby, python, javascript, matlab, etc. Plotly also have Plotly Chart Studio where you can directly edit your plots without writing single line of code....

How to make a basic Scatterplot using Plotly and Python ?

Let’s start with making a very basic plot known as  Scatterplot. Scatterplot helps in finding the relationship between two variables . It tells us whether the two variables are positively related, negatively related or not related at all....

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