How to Run JavaScript from Python ?
In this article, we’ll discuss how to run a javascript file with Python. For this, we’ll use the JS2PY(Javascript Runtime in Pure Python) Python module. JS2PY works by translating JavaScript directly into Python. It indicates that you may run JS directly from Python code without installing large external engines like V8....
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Introduction to CherryPy
CherryPy is a popular framework of Python. Using CherryPy, web applications can be built in a faster and more reliable way. It is also called a web application library. It is known for its simplicity as it is based on object-oriented Python programming, resulting in smaller source code in less time. It is one of the oldest frameworks of Python, the very first version being released in June 2002. This framework is mainly for the developers who want to create portable database-driven web application using Python, as it provides Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete functionalities....
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Environment setup for CherryPy
CherryPy is a popular framework of Python. Using CherryPy, web applications can be built in a faster and more reliable way. It is also called a web application library. It is known for its simplicity as it is based on object-oriented Python programming, resulting in smaller source code in less time....
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Chat Bot in Python with ChatterBot Module
Nobody likes to be alone always, but sometimes loneliness could be a better medicine to hunch the thirst for a peaceful environment. Even during such lonely quarantines, we may ignore humans but not humanoids. Yes, if you have guessed this article for a chatbot, then you have cracked it right. We won’t require 6000 lines of code to create a chatbot but just a six-letter word “Python” is enough. Let us have a quick glance at Python’s ChatterBot to create our bot. ChatterBot is a Python library built based on machine learning with an inbuilt conversational dialog flow and training engine. The bot created using this library will get trained automatically with the response it gets from the user....
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Machine Learning Workflow using Pycaret
PyCaret is an open-source machine learning library which is simple and easy to use. It helps you right from the start of data preparation to till the end of model analysis and deployment. Moreover, it is essentially a python wrapper around several machine learning libraries and frameworks such as scikit-learn, spaCy etc, It also has the support of complex machine learning algorithms which are tedious to tune and implement....
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Introduction to pywhatkit module
Python offers numerous inbuilt libraries to ease our work. Among them pywhatkit is a Python library for sending WhatsApp messages at a certain time, it has several other features too....
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How to create a dataset using PyBrain?
In this article, we are going to see how to create a dataset using PyBrain....
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Python Easy-Login Module
Easy-Login module is that library of Python which helps you to login in your social accounts like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Reddit etc through Python without opening the sites manually ....
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How to Install Python-arrow on Linux?
Arrow is a Python library for performing tasks with date and time. It presents a sensible and human-friendly approach to creating, manipulating, formatting, and converting dates, times, and timestamps. Arrow allows easy creation of date and time instances with timezone awareness. So, in this article, we will be installing Arrow library in Python on Linux operating system....
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Introduction to Seaborn – Python
Prerequisite – Matplotlib Library...
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Daily Latest News webapp Using PyWebio in Python
In this article, we are going to create a web app to get gaily News Using PyWebio...
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Python | Plotting Area charts in excel sheet using XlsxWriter module
Prerequisite: Create and write on an excel file XlsxWriter is a Python library using which one can perform multiple operations on excel files like creating, writing, arithmetic operations and plotting graphs. Let’s see how to plot different charts using realtime data. Charts are composed of at least one series of one or more data points. Series themselves are comprised of references to cell ranges. For plotting the charts on an excel sheet, firstly, create chart object of specific chart type( i.e Area, Stacked Area, Percent Stacked Area cjhart etc.). After creating chart objects, insert data in it and lastly, add that chart object in the sheet object. Code #1 : Plot the simple Area Chart. For plotting the simple Area chart on an excel sheet, use add_chart() method with type ‘area’ keyword argument of a workbook object....
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