GitHub Flavored Markdown

  • uses its version of the Markdown syntax that provides an additional set of useful features, many of which make it easier to work with content on
  • Note that some features of GitHub Flavored Markdown are only available in the descriptions and comments of Issues and Pull Requests.
  • These include @mentions as well as references to Issues and Pull Requests.

1. Syntax highlighting:

  • Highlights the syntax.


Formatted code:

2. Task Lists:

  • To create a task list
  • If you include a task list in the first comment of an Issue, you will get a handy progress indicator in your issue list.
  • It also works in Pull Requests.


- [x] @mentions, #refs, [links](), **formatting**, and <del>tags</del> supported
- [x] list syntax required (any unordered or ordered list supported) 
- [x] this is a complete item 
- [ ] this is an incomplete item 

Formatted text:

3. Tables:

  • You can create tables by assembling a list of words and dividing them with hyphens – (for the first row), and then separating each column with a pipe (|).


First Header | Second Header 
 ------------ | ------------- 
Content from cell 1 | Content from cell 2 
Content in the first column | content in the second column 

Formatted text:

4.  Username @mentions:

  • Typing an @ symbol, followed by a username, will notify that person to come and view the comment.
  • This is called an “@mention” because you’re mentioning the individual.
  • You can also @mention teams within an organization.

5. Automatic linking for URLs :

  • Any URL (like automatically converts into a clickable link.

6. Mathematical expressions :

  • You can also add math formula or equation with markdown.


$$<<mathematical expression>>$$





Since now you know everything about, the next time you make a repository don’t forget to add a perfect readme to your project!

What is File?

A README file is an essential guide that gives other developers a detailed description of your GitHub project.

You may be wondering, Why anyone should spend time writing a README file. Well, here are some reasons to help convince you that it’s a good idea:

  1. A good README helps your project to stand out from other projects and should be as good as your project itself.
  2. It’s the first thing to notice while encountering your project, so it should be pretty brief but detailed.
  3. The quality of a README description differentiates a good project from bad ones.
  4. Many times is hosted as a website; make sure your webpage looks as cool as your project!

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Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows us to style a digital text document using typical formatting techniques like headings, emphasis, lists, images, and links. Markdown files have extensions .md or .markdown. We can convert Markdown into XHTML or HTML to display nicely in a browser. Some of the many uses of Markdown are:...

GitHub Flavored Markdown uses its version of the Markdown syntax that provides an additional set of useful features, many of which make it easier to work with content on Note that some features of GitHub Flavored Markdown are only available in the descriptions and comments of Issues and Pull Requests. These include @mentions as well as references to Issues and Pull Requests....

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