Getting started with Timeshift in Fedora

Navigating through Timeshift is pretty easy.

Creating Snapshots

To create a snapshot just hit “Create” and it will create a snapshot of your system.

Create snapshot

Restoring Snapshots

Step 1

In order to restore a snapshot, you must first select the desired snapshot and then click on “Restore”.

Restoring snapshot

Step 2

Now hit “Next” to restore to that snapshot.

Warning before restoring

How to setup Timeshift with BTRFS in Fedora?

If you truly are a geek at heart, you’ve ended up with a broken system at least once in your life and yes while it can be enjoyable to troubleshoot the issues and correct them, more often than not you will simply be reinstalling your entire OS and its never that fun at all having to go through all that tedium – downloading and installing all your apps, resetting configuration, signing into all your accounts; it’s gonna eat up your entire weekend.

So, what’s the solution?

Well, you could just not break your system(yeah, right), or just install Timeshift.

In this article, you will learn how to set up and install Time Shift on Fedora with BTRFS disk format.

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Configuring Timeshift

Step 1: RSYNC vs BTRFS...

Getting started with Timeshift in Fedora

Navigating through Timeshift is pretty easy....


It’s always better to be safe than sorry, that’s why you should always make backups, this includes system and file backups(both are different), and Timeshift is a great, well-maintained and time-tested utility which will help you do just that....

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