Formula to Extract Last-N words in Excel

 = RIGHT(cell_name,LEN(cell_name)-FIND(“@”,SUBSTITUTE(cell_name,” “,”@”,(LEN(cell_name)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(cell_name,” “,””))-N+1))))

In this article, I’ve shown you how to get the last n words out of a cell. Hopefully, this helps you out, I advise you to read more articles on Excel if you want to understand more. I appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you soon!

How to Extract the last N Words from Text String in Excel

Excel is a tool for storing and managing a large amount of data. Data is entered in a rectangular block, which we called a cell. This tool can be used to perform different tasks like creating graphs and analyzing trends, to get insights from the data. It is primarily used for financial data analysis by accounting professionals. Let’s learn how to extract the last N-word in Excel. 

For example, we have a string “Welcome to w3wiki platform” and we need to extract the last 2 words from the string, then the output should be “w3wiki Platform“.

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Formula to Extract Last-N words in Excel

= RIGHT(cell_name,LEN(cell_name)-FIND(“@”,SUBSTITUTE(cell_name,” “,”@”,(LEN(cell_name)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(cell_name,” “,””))-N+1))))...

FAQs on How to Extract the Last-N Words in Excel

Q1: What is the need to extract the last N words in Excel?...

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