Features of JWT

  • JSON Format: The token is represented as a JSON object, making it easy to work with in web environments.
  • Security: JWTs can be signed using cryptographic algorithms, such as HMAC. This signature ensures the integrity of the data and helps prevent unauthorized modifications.
  • Compactness: It stores essential information within the token, making it lightweight and efficient to transmit.
  • Validity: JWTs can include an expiration time which limits their validity period.
  • Customizable: JWTs can include additional user data or permissions through custom claims.

jwt npm

JSON Web Token is a way of securely transmitting information between two parties. It is widely used in web applications for authentication and authorization purposes. In this article, we make a project that demonstrates a basic implementation of JWT in a Node.js application. The application features user registration with password hashing, login and generating tokens.


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Features of JWT

JSON Format: The token is represented as a JSON object, making it easy to work with in web environments.Security: JWTs can be signed using cryptographic algorithms, such as HMAC. This signature ensures the integrity of the data and helps prevent unauthorized modifications.Compactness: It stores essential information within the token, making it lightweight and efficient to transmit.Validity: JWTs can include an expiration time which limits their validity period.Customizable: JWTs can include additional user data or permissions through custom claims....


Import the required modules and configure the Express application to use JSON parsing.Implement a register function to hash passwords using bcrypt and store user details.Implement a login function to verify user credentials and generate a JWT upon successful authentication.Start the Express server and test user registration and login functionality with JWT token generation.Initialize Node.js project and install express, jsonwebtoken, and bcryptjs....

Steps to Create Application

Step 1: Create a root directory and navigate to it using the following command....

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