How to Install a Local Module Using npm?
This article shows how to install a local module using npm. Local modules are modules created locally in your Node JS application to create user-required functionality. These local modules include different functionalities of your application in separate files and folders. To link the local module first you must have the local module directory or package directory....
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Difference between tilde ( ~ ) and caret ( ^ ) in package.json
When we open our package.json file and search for the dependency property and in there we find the packages that are listed as a nested object of the dependency property package-name:package-version. Now look at the package version, we find some numbers separated by three dots....
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Email Verification using OTP in NodeJS
This Article speaks about setting up your node.js server for verifying emails via OTP....
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How to Run Java Code in Node.js ?
Running Java code within a Node.js environment can be useful for integrating Java-based libraries or leveraging Java’s robust capabilities within a JavaScript application. This article will guide you through the steps required to execute Java code from a Node.js application, covering various methods and tools available to facilitate this integration....
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How to call ‘npm start’ though docker ?
The following article covers how to call npm start through docker. While doing so, we will dockerize a simple React App....
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How to change npm start script of node.js ?
The script is a list of commands that are used to perform some specific tasks that they are designed to perform. In Node.js there are a lot of predefined scripts created while creating a new project some of them contain a default value, and we can also change them according to our need of the operations for a specific task....
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Where does NPM Install the packages ?
npm is the default package manager for Node.js, and it is used to install, manage, and distribute JavaScript packages. When you install a package using npm, it can be installed either locally or globally. The location where npm installs the package depends on the installation method you use....
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How to install specified directory using npm ?
Node JS is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript v8 engine, which is used for easily building fast and scalable network applications. Javascript uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient which is perfect for data-intensive real-time applications. It runs across distributed devices and makes use of the tools (or packages) in Node. js....
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How to uninstall and update any dependencies through NPM ?
NPM (Node Package Manager) is the default package manager for Node.js. It manages all the packages and gets installed with the installation of Node.js. When we install any package into our project using npm client on the command line then it gets installed in the node_modules folder and the information such as the version of that package is reflected in the package.json file....
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How to publish a ReactJS component to NPM ?
Follow these simple steps in order to publish your own ReactJS component to NPM....
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How to Install Node & Run npm in VS Code?
Node is an open-source, server-side JavaScript runtime environment built on the V8 engine. It allows developers to execute JavaScript code outside of a web browser, enabling the development of scalable and efficient network applications. Known for its event-driven architecture, NodeJS is widely used for building fast, lightweight, and highly responsive server-side applications....
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How to Generate and Validate OTPs in Node.js with ‘Speakeasy’ Module ?
Speakeasy is a very important and useful npm module that can generate and validate OTPs (One Time Passwords). OTPs are mainly used for security-related purposes. This module basically supports two types of OTPs: TOTP and HOTP. The main difference between these two types of OTPs is TOTP generates a time-based OTP code based on a secret key and current time, on the other hand, HOTP generates a counter-based OTP code based on a secret key and a counter value....
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