Trangenic Animals

Q1: Define Transgenic Animals.


Transgenic animals are defined as when a foreign gene is inserted into the genome of the animals to alter its DNA or the animals with the modified genome.

Q2: What do you mean by Chemical Transfection Method?


In this method, when calcium phosphate was present the target DNA is taken up. The chemical method of gene transfection consists of transformation.

Q4: Write the application of Transgenic Animals.


The following are the applications of transgenic animals:

  • Study of Diseases
  • Safety of Vaccines
  • Biological Products

Q5: What do you mean by Physical Transfection Method?


It is the first method in which the interested gene is directly injected into the pronucleus of the fertilized ovum.

Transgenic Animals Notes – Biotechnology And Its Application

CBSE Class 12- Biotechnology And Its Application – Transgenic Animals: When a foreign gene inserts into the genome of the animals to alter its DNA or the animals with a modified genome are Known as Transgenic Animals. It is a method that helps to improve the genetic traits of targeted animals. Transgenic animals are also called genetically modified organisms.

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FAQs on Trangenic Animals

Q1: Define Transgenic Animals....

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