Passing Array to Function in C++

Q1. What is the difference between pass by pointer and pass by reference for array?


In pass by pointer, we pass the address of the first element. In pass by reference we need to pass both the reference to the first element and, if specified, the size of the array.

Also, in pass by pointer method, array decay occurs, but not in pass by reference method.

Q2. Can we modify the original array inside a function?


Yes, if modifications are made to the array inside a function then it will affect the original array as the arrays can only be passed by pointer or reference.

Q3. Can passing of an array to a function be done using std::array(in C++17 or later)?


Yes, using std::array you can pass array with size information as the std::array is a container instead of plain old datatype Arrays.

Pass Array to Functions in C++

In C++, a collection of elements stored in contiguous memory locations and having the same data type is called an array. Passing arrays to functions is done to perform various operations on array elements without messing up with the main code.

In C++, an array can be passed in a function using a pointer or reference. Understanding the different approaches to pass arrays is important for writing code according to the needs.

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Methods to Pass Array to a Function in C++

In C++, we have the following ways to pass an array as a parameter to the function:...

1. Passing as a Sized Array

In this method, we pass the array in the same way we declare it with the array type, name, and size. As we can see, we still have to pass the size of the array as another parameter because at the end, the array will be treated as a pointer in the function....

2. Passing as an Unsized Array


3. Passing Array as a Pointer

This method is similar to the previous method, but the difference is that we dont specify the size of the array....

4. Passing Array as a Reference


FAQs on Passing Array to Function in C++

In this method, we pass the memory address of the first element of the array. This method also allows for dynamic array sizes....

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