Facts About Brain

Let us discuss the different facts about the brain as mentioned below.

Fact 1: Size of the Brain

Amongst all vertebrates, the human brain is the largest. An adult’s brain weight is around 1300-1400 Grams which have a volume of 1274 cubic centimeters. A human brain generally consists of almost 86 Billion neurons.

Fact 2: Composition of Brain

The human brain generally consists of fat, proteins, salts, and carbohydrates. 40 percent of our brain consists of water and 60 percent is fat. The human brain also contains so many blood vessels and nerves. The human brain is made up of neural tissues that are not a muscle.

Fact 3: Human Brain Cells

Our human brain consists of 100 Billion cells which is almost the same as the count of stars in the Milky Way. These cells help in the thinking process, remembering things, feeling emotion, and interacting with people.

Fact 4: Function Process of Brain

Our brain runs on the electricity. The difference between in electricity of the neuron membranes are responsible for the proper working of the brain. There are no pain receptors in our brain but it can interpret the pain signals that originate in our body.

Fact 5: Survival Capacities of Brain

The human brain can survive in such bad conditions. It can survive 5 to 10 minutes without oxygen. The brain is able to survive 11 days without water and 20 days without food. The brain is also capable to survive 11 days without sleep.

Fact 6: Brain Health

A healthy person needs around 7-8 hours of proper sleep to maintain the brain’s health. Our brain becomes more active during the night time when we sleep. It works more quickly when we become tired.

Fact 7: Development of Brain

The human brain starts to develop from childhood until 18 years old. It is estimated that a human brain can store the equivalent data of a four-terabyte hard drive. A human brain can absorb 0.025 kilowatts of energy which is enough to light up an electric bulb.

Fact 8: Brain and Neurons

There are almost 75-100 Billion neurons present in a brain. At the time of pregnancy, our brains multiply more than 200000 neurons per minute. The length of each blood vessel of the brain is almost 100000 miles. The smell of chocolate can increase brain waves by triggering a sense of relaxation.

Fact 9: Brain Efficiency

Our brain efficiency can be compared with a computer and our brain is faster than it. It can solve more problems than a computer efficiently. The human brain has a creativity factor that is not found in computers.

Fact 10: Brain Performance

Seafood is the most beneficial diet for the brain which contains fatty acids. These foods can increase brain performance by 15 percent. The human brain creates 70000 thoughts per day, of which 70 percent are negative. There is no division in our brain.

Facts About Brain

Facts About Brain: The brain is a complex organ that controls all of our body functions. This organ is the source of intelligence and is made up of 60 per cent of fat and 40 per cent of water, protein, salts, and carbohydrates. Our brain also contains different blood vessels and nerves which also include the neurons and glial cells.  Understanding the brain structure and function helps us learn about how different areas of the brain work together to carry out day-to-day chores. In this article, we are going to discuss the facts about the brain in detail.

Table of Content

  • Brain
  • Facts About Brain
  • Functions of Brain
  • Conclusion – Facts About Brain
  • Related Facts Articles
  • FAQs – Facts About Brain

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