Extract sessions from IndexedDB

We can extract sessions from IndexedDB by using the following javascript. 


function getResultFromRequest(request) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        request.onsuccess = function (event) {
async function getDB() {
    var request = window.indexedDB.open("wawc");
    return await getResultFromRequest(request);
async function readAllKeyValuePairs() {
    var db = await getDB();
    var objectStore = db.transaction("user").objectStore("user");
    var request = objectStore.getAll();
       return await getResultFromRequest(request);
session = await readAllKeyValuePairs();

We can try to execute the above code in the browser’s console or tab where we had opened Web-Whatsapp and we will see the output as follows containing session key-value pairs.

Now we get those key-value pairs as text by running the following line of code.



Now let’s copy that text to a file to save a session and clear both localStorage and IndexedDB to log out. Now we can run the following code to inject a session by assigning the value of the session string we just copied to a file to variable SESSION_STRING. Then refresh the page and we will log in again without scanning the QR code. 


function getResultFromRequest(request) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        request.onsuccess = function(event) {
async function getDB() {
    var request = window.indexedDB.open("wawc");
    return await getResultFromRequest(request);
async function injectSession(SESSION_STRING) {
    var session = JSON.parse(SESSION_STRING);
    var db = await getDB();
    var objectStore = db.transaction("user", "readwrite").objectStore("user");
    for(var keyValue of session) {
        var request = objectStore.put(keyValue);
        await getResultFromRequest(request);
await injectSession(SESSION_STRING);


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In this article, we are going to see how to share your Web-WhatsApp with anyone over the Internet without Scanning a QR code.

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