Automating the process of generating a session file and injecting a session

We can automate the process of generating a session file that contains our session key-value pairs and also reading session key-value pairs from that generated session file to inject a session into the browser to open web-WhatsApp without scanning QR code

We can automate as follows:

Take the session file path as a command-line argument.

Generating session file:

  • Open Chrome browser. 
  • Open Web Whatsapp.
  • Ask the user to scan the QR code.
  • Wait for the QR code to be scanned.
  • Execute javascript in the browser and extract the session.
  • Save the file with a session text file with the custom file extension “.wa”.
  • Close the browser.

Opening session file:

  • Verify that the session file exists.
  • Read the given file into the “session” variable. 
  • Open Chrome browser.
  • Open Web Whatsapp.
  • Wait for Web Whatsapp to be loaded properly.
  • Execute javascript in browser to inject session by using variable “session”.
  • Refresh the page.
  • Ask for the user to press enter key to close the browser.

Below is the implementation:

Note: Please download chormedrive before running the code.

By using selenium’s WebDriverWait, we can wait for some elements to be present on the browser as following:


def _wait_for_presence_of_an_element(browser, selector):
    element = None
        element = WebDriverWait(browser, DEFAULT_WAIT).until(
        return element

Generating session file:


def sessionGenerator(sessionFilePath):
    # 1.1 Open Chrome browser
    browser = webdriver.Chrome()
    # 1.2 Open Web Whatsapp
    # 1.3 Ask user to scan QR code
    print("Waiting for QR code scan...")
    # 1.4 Wait for QR code to be scanned
    # 1.5 Execute javascript in browser and
    # extract the session text
    session = browser.execute_script(EXTRACT_SESSION)
    # 1.6 Save file with session text file with
    # custom file extension ".wa"
    with open(sessionFilePath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as sessionFile:
    print("Your session file is saved to: " + sessionFilePath)
    # 1.7 Close the browser

Use the above methods for Generating session file:


from session import *
import sys
# Take session file path as command line
# argument and passed to following method
sessionFilePath = sys.argv[1]

Opening session file:


def sessionOpener(sessionFilePath):
    # 2.1 Verify that session file is exist
    if sessionFilePath == "":
        raise IOError('"' + sessionFilePath + '" is not exist.')
    # 2.2 Read the given file into "session" variable
    with open(sessionFilePath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as sessionFile:
        session =
    # 2.3 Open Chrome browser
    browser = webdriver.Chrome()
    # 2.4 Open Web Whatsapp
    # 2.5 Wait for Web Whatsapp to be loaded properly
    _wait_for_presence_of_an_element(browser, QR_CODE)
    # 2.6 Execute javascript in browser to inject
    # session by using variable "session"
    print("Injecting session...")
    browser.execute_script(INJECT_SESSION, session)
    # 2.7 Refresh the page
    # 2.8 Ask for user to enter any key to close browser
    input("Press enter to close browser.")

Use the above methods for Opening session file:


from session import *
import sys
# Take session file path as command line
# argument and passed to following method
sessionFilePath = sys.argv[1]

We can generate a session file by using the following command:

For Generating session file:

python session.wa

After generating the session file then share it with someone and put that session file in the same folder where is located and run the following command to open the Web Whatsapp without scanning the QR code

For Opening session file:

python session.wa

OR open PowerShell normally without going to the folder and give absolute paths as following

For Generating session file:

python E:\share-web-whatsapp\ E:\share-web-whatsapp\session.wa

For Opening session file:

python E:\share-web-whatsapp\ E:\share-web-whatsapp\session.wa

Share WhatsApp Web without Scanning QR code using Python

In this article, we are going to see how to share your Web-WhatsApp with anyone over the Internet without Scanning a QR code.

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