Examples of Constraints

Example 1:

The below code demonstrates the usage of constraints in C++ to restrict the valid types that can be used with function templates.


// C++ program to illustrate the constrains
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
using namespace std;
// Function template with constraint using requires clause
template <typename T>
requires is_integral_v<T> void print_integer(T value)
    cout << "The integer value is: " << value << endl;
// Concept definition
template <typename T> concept Printable = requires(T value)
    cout << value << endl;
// Function template with concept as a constraint
template <Printable T> void print(T value)
    cout << "The printable value is: " << value << endl;
int main()
    // Call the print_integer function with an integer
    // argument
    // Call the print function with a string argument
    print("Hello, World!");


The integer value is: 42
The printable value is: Hello, World!

Violations of constraints are typically detected during the template instantiation process in C++. The compiler generates an error message for the specific constraint that has been violated.

Example 2:


// C++ program to illustrate the voilation in specified
// constrains for template arguments
#include <concepts>
#include <iostream>
template <typename T> requires integral<T> void foo(T value)
    cout << "Value: " << value << endl;
int main()
    // Valid usage, T = int (integral type)
    // Error: Violation of constraint, T = double
    // (not an integral type)
    return 0;



Constraints and Concepts in C++ 20

In this article, we will learn about the constraints and concepts with the help of examples in a simple way. So, it is a feature that was introduced in the latest version i.e. C++20 that specifies requirements on template arguments and enables more expressive and readable code.

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