Exam Strategy

  1. Make sure you are well-rested, fresh, and hydrated. Relax clear your mind, and give yourself positive affirmations. Don’t get over or underconfident, just stay calm and keep moving ahead.
  2. Read questions carefully and always formulate logic on pen paper rather than in mind, solving questions fast is important but solving them correctly is more important.
  3. Do not waste time on a question based on a topic you do not know, or if it is a type of question you have never encountered in that topic.
  4. Many questions will use a mixture of two or more concepts, do not panic, and just solve them slowly and calmly, step by step.
  5. Go through the entire paper 3 times if possible, on the 1st time attempt the easy questions and mark the medium-level questions for review, on 2nd time trying to solve the medium-level questions as much as you can, if done with all medium-level marked for review questions only then go for the 3rd time where you will give everything you got left in you to the hard questions.
  6. Do not guess the answer to any question, use some common sense and basic understanding of things to eliminate options in case of confusion between two options.
  7. Attempt the paper subject-wise so it is easier to recollect all you remember about the topic and concept.
  8. Time will be your worst and biggest enemy, handle it carefully, time management is crucial.

JEE Exam Preparation Experience

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The Joint Entrance Examination or JEE is a national-level competitive entrance exam in India conducted for admission to undergraduate engineering and architecture programs in renowned institutions such as IITs, NITs, and other top engineering colleges across the country. JEE tests consistency and hard work along with the intelligence and on-spot problem-solving capabilities of an aspiring student....

Preparation Strategy

Time Table: Create a timetable and follow it thoroughly, devote maximum time to studying while taking short breaks to relax and keep yourself charged and energized, time given to each topic or subject should be based on your strengths and weaknesses. Analysis: See the weightage of each topic in the syllabus of the exam along with statistics of occurrence of questions from that topic in previous year papers, also estimate the amount of hard work and understanding demanded by the topic to determine if it’s worth the effort. Hard Work: Kind of a cliche, but consistency and diligence go a long way, regularly attend lectures and study to refine topics, revise them at the end of each day and practice good questions based on them, try to understand concepts in depth and clarity and clear any doubts as soon as possible. Testing: Give mock tests to see where you stand and learn from your mistakes, correct your wrongs and understand your errors, avoid silly mistakes and give these tests with utmost patience, attention, and sincerity. Health: Give some time to physical activity, eat healthy foods and sleep an adequate amount of time. In a healthy body resides a healthy mind. Avoid social media platforms. Motivation: Stay motivated by focusing on your dream institute or whatever your goal is, do not lose focus of your target, aim at it as if you cannot see anything other than that....

Exam Strategy

Make sure you are well-rested, fresh, and hydrated. Relax clear your mind, and give yourself positive affirmations. Don’t get over or underconfident, just stay calm and keep moving ahead. Read questions carefully and always formulate logic on pen paper rather than in mind, solving questions fast is important but solving them correctly is more important. Do not waste time on a question based on a topic you do not know, or if it is a type of question you have never encountered in that topic. Many questions will use a mixture of two or more concepts, do not panic, and just solve them slowly and calmly, step by step. Go through the entire paper 3 times if possible, on the 1st time attempt the easy questions and mark the medium-level questions for review, on 2nd time trying to solve the medium-level questions as much as you can, if done with all medium-level marked for review questions only then go for the 3rd time where you will give everything you got left in you to the hard questions. Do not guess the answer to any question, use some common sense and basic understanding of things to eliminate options in case of confusion between two options. Attempt the paper subject-wise so it is easier to recollect all you remember about the topic and concept. Time will be your worst and biggest enemy, handle it carefully, time management is crucial....


Competitive exams like JEE require meticulous planning, immense hard work, and unwavering focus and dedication. Knowing the exam format, applying effective preparation strategies, and focusing on key concepts and topics, can extremely help one increase their chances of achieving their desired goal of securing a seat in a renowned engineering institute in India. Consistency, determination and hard work will yield the desired results. All the Best to you all !!...

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