Differences between structural and attribute directives

Structural Directives

Attribute Directives

They alter the structure of the DOM by adding , removing or manipulating elements.

They change the behaviour or appearance of an element, component, or other directive

Prefixed with an asterisk (*) in the template.

eg: *ngIf, *ngFor

Used as attributes in the template.

eg : `[ngClass]`, `[ngStyle]`

Used for conditionally displaying elements or iterating over a collection.

Used for applying dynamic styles, modifying existing behaviour

Generally, only one structural directive can be applied to a single element at a time.

We can combine multiple attribute directives on a single element.

Ex : *ngIf, *ngFor, *ngSwitch

Ex : [ngClass] , [ngStyle] , [ngModel]

Difference between structural and attribute directives

Structural directives manipulate the DOM layout by adding, removing, or replacing elements, while attribute directives modify the appearance or behavior of elements without affecting their structure. Directives in Angular are nothing but the classes that allow us to add and modify the behavior of elements. Using directives in angular we can modify the DOM (Document Object Module) styles, handle user functionality, and much more.

Table of Content

  • Structural Directives
  • Attribute Directives
  • Differences between structural and attribute directives

There are mainly two types of directives Structural Directives and Attribute Directives. In this article let us learn more about these directives

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Differences between structural and attribute directives

Structural DirectivesAttribute DirectivesThey alter the structure of the DOM by adding , removing or manipulating elements. They change the behaviour or appearance of an element, component, or other directive Prefixed with an asterisk (*) in the template. eg: *ngIf, *ngFor Used as attributes in the template. eg : `[ngClass]`, `[ngStyle]` Used for conditionally displaying elements or iterating over a collection. Used for applying dynamic styles, modifying existing behaviour Generally, only one structural directive can be applied to a single element at a time. We can combine multiple attribute directives on a single element. Ex : *ngIf, *ngFor, *ngSwitch Ex : [ngClass] , [ngStyle] , [ngModel]...

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