Introduction to AngularJS
AngularJS is a popular open-source framework that simplifies web development by creating interactive single-page applications (SPAs). Unlike traditional websites that load new pages for each click, SPAs offer a smoother user experience by updating content on the same page....
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ng-content in Angular
The ng-content is used when we want to insert the content dynamically inside the component that helps to increase component reusability. Using ng-content we can pass content inside the component selector and when angular parses that content that appears at the place of ng-content....
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How to set id attribute of an element dynamically using AngularJS ?
In this article, we will see how to change the ID of any element dynamically using AngularJS, along with understanding its implementation through examples....
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How to check whether a form or a control is touched or not in Angular 10 ?
In this article, we are going to check whether a form is touched or not in Angular 10. The touched property is used to report that the control or the form is touched or not....
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AngularJS Form Validation
AngularJS performs form validation on the client side. AngularJS monitors the state of the form and input fields (input, text-area, select), and notify the user about the current state. AngularJS also holds information about whether the input fields have been touched, modified, or not. Form input fields have the following states:...
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How to Update Angular Projects to the Latest Version ?
Angular is a JavaScript framework for building web applications. It is developed and maintained by Google and is used for building complex and feature-rich web applications. Angular uses a component-based architecture, which makes it easy to build and maintain large-scale applications....
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AngularJS Expressions
In this article, we will see the Expressions in AngularJS, along with understanding their implementation through the examples....
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Angular 8 | Introduction
Angular 8 is a client-side TypeScript based, front-end web framework by Google. Angular 8 is a great, reusable UI (User Interface) library for the developers which help in building attractive, steady, and utilitarian web pages and web application. Angular 8 is a ground-breaking JavaScript framework which makes us able to create an attractive Single Page Application(SPAs). Its first version was released in 2012 and named as AngularJS. Angular 8 is the updated version of Angular 2....
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How to disable a form control in Angular ?
In this article, we are going to see how to disable a form control in Angular 10. We will use AbstractControl disabled property to disable a form control element....
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Components in Angular 8
The component is the basic building block of Angular. It has a selector, template, style, and other properties, and it specifies the metadata required to process the component....
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AngularJS Routing
Routing in AngularJS is used when the user wants to navigate to different pages in an application but still wants it to be a single-page application. AngularJS routes enable the user to create different URLs for different content in an application. The ngRoute module helps in accessing different pages of an application without reloading the entire application....
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AngularJS Modules
The AngularJS module defines the functionality of the application which is applied on the entire HTML page. It helps to link many components. So it is just a group of related components. It is a container that consists of different parts like controllers, services, and directives....
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