Difference Between div tag and span tag

PropertiesDiv TagSpan Tag
Elements TypesBlock-LevelInline
Space/WidthContain Whole Width AvailableTakes only required Width
ExamplesHeadings, Paragraph, formAttribute, image
UsesWeb-layoutcontainer for some text
AttributesNot required,with common css, classNot required,with common css, class

The span tag does not create a line break similar to a div tag, but rather allows the user to separate things from other elements around them on a page within the same line. avoiding of line break, results only that selected text to change, keeping all the other elements around them same. Below example will display the difference between span and div tag while div tag contains whole width and span tag contain only required width and rest parts are free for another element. 


This example will display the difference between span and div tag while div tag contains whole width and span tag contain only required width and rest parts are free for another element. 

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <style type=text/css>
        p {
            background-color: gray;
            margin: 10px;

        div {
            color: white;
            background-color: 009900;
            margin: 2px;
            font-size: 25px;

        span {
            color: black;
            background-color: gray;
            margin: 5px;
            font-size: 25px;

    <!-- below some div tags -->

    <div> div tag </div>
    <div> div tag </div>
    <div> div tag </div>
    <div> div tag </div>

    <!-- below some span tags -->



HTML Div Tag Example Output

HTML Div Tag

The HTML <div> tag defines sections in HTML documents, serving as containers styled with CSS or controlled with JavaScript. It’s easily customized using class or id attributes and can contain various content.

Note: Browsers add line breaks before and after <div> elements by default.

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Div tag Usage:

The div tag is the block-level tag.It is used for applying styles and layout structure

1. Using class:

We can use class on that particular div and apply CSS either inside a