Inline CSS

We can directly use CSS in div also. This method does not require class. Div in HTML coding is used as a container tag also because it is the one that can contain all other tags.


<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>HTML Div Tag</title>

        <div style="height:300px; 
                    width:500px; color:white;
                    border:1px solid; 
                    background-color: 009900;">
            <!--open tag of Div!-->
            <h1>Inline CSS is USED in THIS method.
                In this div no class is used.
        <!--closing tag of Div!-->



HTML Div Tag Example Output

HTML Div Tag

The HTML <div> tag defines sections in HTML documents, serving as containers styled with CSS or controlled with JavaScript. It’s easily customized using class or id attributes and can contain various content.

Note: Browsers add line breaks before and after <div> elements by default.

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Div tag Usage:

The div tag is the block-level tag.It is used for applying styles and layout structure

1. Using class:

We can use class on that particular div and apply CSS either inside a