Deployment Of Spring Boot With Jenkins

Can We Use Pull Request As The Automatic Trigger?

Yes, We can. Just need to configure and set up webhooks or polling for our version control system.

Can We Mention The Script In The Github Project Only?

Yes, we can mention the script in the /workflows folder in GitHub (e.g., build.yaml) and use Github actions with Jenkins to automate the workflow based on the script.

Can We Run Two Tasks In Parallel In The Pipeline Stage?

Yes, we can use ‘parallel { }’ to achieve parallelism in the pipeline script.

Can We Have Different Views Of The Pipeline?

Yes, it is possible by installing new plugins.

How Do We Learn Pipeline Syntax And Its Commands?

While configuring the pipeline, we have an option called “Pipeline syntax”. It helps us to generate a script by just giving it the proper parameters.

Can It Be Used To Automate The Entire Devops Flow?

Yes, Jenkins can be configured to automate all stages throughout the DevOps flow (Continuous Integration -> Continuous Deployment -> Monitoring).

Deployment Of Spring Boot Application In Jenkins

In this article, we will be exploring how to automate the process of building Spring Boot applications by employing a polling trigger. We will also learn how to generate reports and store artifacts in the process. To achieve this, we will be leveraging the Jenkins server. Our goal is to create a pipeline and write a script that will run every minute to detect any commits that are pushed to our GitHub repository.

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