What is Jenkins

Jenkins is a hub for automating the various aspects of the software development lifecycle which includes building, testing, and deploying the application. We can call Jenkins a pipeline orchestrator where the developer can manage the pipelines of the projects that they have been developed.

Jenkins Tutorial

Jenkins is an open-source automation server by which you can automate the building, testing, and deployment of the application to different servers like development, testing, and production. Jenkins is primarily used for the continuous integration (CI) and continuous Deployment (CD) pipelines.

Each tutorial section includes practical exercises and real-world examples, helping you learn by doing and gaining hands-on experience along the way. Jenkins tutorials are going to help all the software testers with the help of JaCoCo Plugin and also it will help the developers to deploy their code fast and efficiently by which they can deliver the new updates to the end users as soon as possible.

Table of Content

  • Prerequisites
  • What is Jenkins
  • Installation & Update of Jenkins
  • Jenkins – Git, Maven, And Docker Configuration,Integartion & Setup
  • Jenkins – Credentials & Port
  • Projects Or Jobs
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery Pipeline (CI/CD Pipeline)
  • Managing Plugins
  • Unit Testing (Code Quality Review)
  • Security
  • Jenkins – Notification
  • Jenkins – Triggering Builds Remotely, Manually And Scheduling
  • Jenkins – Restart(Build Number, Server, Security)
  • Jenkins – Master-Slave Configuration
  • Jenkins VS Other CI/CD Tools
  • Jenkins – CLI
  • Jenkins – Sample Application Deployment Projects

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To effectively implement continuous integration, continuous deployment, and testing using Jenkins, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of the following fundamentals:...

What is Jenkins

Jenkins is a hub for automating the various aspects of the software development lifecycle which includes building, testing, and deploying the application. We can call Jenkins a pipeline orchestrator where the developer can manage the pipelines of the projects that they have been developed....

Installation & Update of Jenkins

Jenkins was developed using Java programming language before you need to install Jenkins you need to install Java on the system in which you are going to install Jenkins. Go through the following articles to install Java and Jenkins in the system....

Jenkins – Git, Maven, And Docker Configuration,Integartion & Setup

The stages mentioned above are the flow of Continuous Integration and we can use any of the tools that suit our requirement in each stage and of the most popular tools are GitHub for source code management(SCM) when the developer develops the code on his local machine he pushes it to the remote repository which is GitHub from here who is having the access can Pull, clone and can make required changes to the code. From there by using Maven we can build them into the required package (war, jar, ear) and can test the Junit cases.SonarQube performs code quality reviews where it will measure the quality of source code and generates a report in the form of HTML or PDF format. Nexus for storing the build artifacts will help us to store the artifacts that are build by using Maven and this whole process is achieved by using a Continuous Integration tool Jenkins....

Jenkins – Credentials & Port

In Jenkins management of ports and passwords is an essential aspect that will ensure us security and connectivity. Jenkins has a Credentials Plugin that makes it possible to safely manage passwords.’...

Projects Or Jobs

Jenkins projects are also known as Jenkins jobs which are the fundamental unit work done in Jenkins. They stand for jobs or procedures that Jenkins will carry out in response to particular setups and events....

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery Pipeline (CI/CD Pipeline)

CI/CD pipelines serve as the backbone of software delivery, orchestrating tasks seamlessly from development through to production. These pipelines automate the integration of code changes, execute comprehensive testing procedures, and facilitate the deployment of applications. Such automation not only accelerates the delivery of software but also ensures consistent quality across releases....

Managing Plugins

Plugins in Jenkins are indeed one of its most powerful and useful features, allowing users to customize the functionality of Jenkins to suit their specific needs. With plugins, users can extend Jenkins’ capabilities, integrate with external tools and systems, and automate various tasks within their CI/CD pipelines....

Unit Testing (Code Quality Review)

You may guarantee the dependability and maintainability of your codebase by establishing unit testing and code quality review procedures in Jenkins....


Jenkins security has to be ensured in order to protect private information, stop illegal access to the Jenkins projects. Jenkins security will helps you to maintain the integrity of your CI/CD pipeline....

Jenkins – Notification

Jenkins notifications play a major role which will helps the users to know the status of the builds,test results and other all the events whcih are important in jenkins. Jenkins offers some in built plugins for sending the notification about the builds happening in jenkins....

Jenkins – Triggering Builds Remotely, Manually And Scheduling

Triggering the Jenkins build remotely will allow you to initiate the build project or build jobs remotely without any need to access the Jenkins web interface manually. Jenkins remote access API token or by configuring webhooks.in your version control system....

Jenkins – Restart(Build Number, Server, Security)

There are multiple steps involved in restarting Jenkins: addressing security-related concerns, restarting the Jenkins server, and restarting individual builds....

Jenkins – Master-Slave Configuration

Master Slave Configuration in Jenkins will distribute the workloads across multiple machines for efficient build execution. The slaves are the worker machines that actually run and execute the jobs and are also called agents this all will be coordinated by the Jenkins master node....

Jenkins VS Other CI/CD Tools

Jenkins is an open-source tool extensively utilized across industries for continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) processes. However, several other tools in the market offer similar functionality. Acquiring knowledge about these alternatives provides insights into their capabilities and efficiency....

Jenkins – CLI

The powerful Jenkins Command Line Interface (CLI) enables users to communicate with Jenkins using scripts or from their native command-line interface. For effective management of Jenkins instances, Jenkins CLI provides an extensive command set that can be used for automation, integration, or administrative activities....

Jenkins – Sample Application Deployment Projects

Deploying a sample application in Jenkins often entails crafting a Jenkins project or job that automates the entire lifecycle, from building and testing to deploying the application. Below are some hands-on projects you can undertake and showcase on your resume:...


Ultimately, this Jenkins tutorial provides a solid basis for understanding CI/CD procedures and realising the complete potential of software development automation. In the ever-changing world of contemporary software engineering, the knowledge acquired from this tutorial will surely be essential in helping practitioners investigate and improve their Jenkins workflows and create meaningful solutions....

Jenkins Tutorial – FAQ’s

What are Jenkins pipelines and how do they differ from freestyle projects?...

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