Creating Document-vector Pairs

Now, let’s create the document vector pairs


# Create TF-IDF vectors for the student documents
doc_vec = create_tfidf_vectors(student_docs)
# Pair each document with its corresponding filename
doc_filename_pairs = list(zip(student_file, doc_vec))

Here, in the code, it prepare the student documents for further analysis by converting them into TF-IDF vectors(stored in ‘doc_vec’) and then pairing each document with its filename( stored in ‘doc_filename_pairs’). These paired representations can be useful for tasks like document retrieval, plagiarism detection , or any other analysis that requires associating documents with their content and metadata.

Plagiarism Detection using Python

In this article, we are going to learn how to check plagiarism using Python.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism basically refers to cheating. It means stealing someone’s else work, ideas, or information from the resources without providing the necessary credits to the author. For example, copying text from different resources from word to word without mentioning any quotation marks.

Table of Content

  • What is Plagiarism detection?
  • Importing Libraries
  • Listing and Reading Files
  • TF-IDF Vectorization
  • Calculating Cosine Similarity
  • Creating Document-vector Pairs
  • Checking Plagiarism
  • Word Cloud Visualization
  • Conclusion

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