Connect to EC2 instance using terminal

SSH is built in in Linux and MacOS. If you are using Windows, you can skip these steps and connect directly from AWS console or you can configure SSH.

Step 1: Now on the instance page, click on the instance id to open instance details. Click on connect.

Step 2: Go to SSH Client option and follow the steps to establish connection to the instance from your device terminal.

In terminal paste the command to connect to you terminal.

ssh -i /path/to/your/ssh-key-name.pem ubuntu@instance-public-ip-address

Now we are in the terminal of the EC2 instance. Update the packages

sudo apt update

How to Install an SSL/TLS Certificate In Amazon EC2 (AWS)

AWS EC2 is one of the most used and convenient solutions for hosting web servers and applications accessible worldwide. Securing your applications with an SSL certificate is vital for safeguarding user data and building trust. In this article, we will be hosting a basic web application on EC2 and will be generating and installing an SSL certificate to ensure a secure browsing experience for your users. By following these steps, you can effectively deploy and protect your web applications on AWS EC2, bolstering security and user confidence for absolutely free.

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Connect to EC2 instance using terminal

SSH is built in in Linux and MacOS. If you are using Windows, you can skip these steps and connect directly from AWS console or you can configure SSH....

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AWS is currently one of most in demand skill in industry. SSL certificate is necessary to build trust among users and protect user data. In this article we have learned how to setup EC2 instance, hosting a website in EC2, allowing traffic to specific port, configuring nginx and installing SSL certificate to enable secure https connect to our website....

SSL Certification on AWS Ec2 Instance – FAQs

For how long is the certificate valid?...

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