Concurrency and Coordination Patterns in Distributed System

Concurrency is the ability of a system to execute multiple tasks simultaneously or in an overlapping manner. Coordination is the coordination of concurrent tasks or operations to ensure consistency, correctness, and safety.

  • Locking:
    • Locking mechanisms prevent multiple processes or threads from concurrently accessing shared resources.
    • Distributed lock managers (DLMs) coordinate distributed locks across multiple nodes to enforce mutual exclusion and prevent race conditions.
  • Semaphore:
    • Semaphores control access to a finite number of resources by maintaining a counter that indicates the availability of resources.
    • Distributed semaphore implementations coordinate access to shared resources across multiple nodes while ensuring that the total resource count remains within bounds.
  • Leader Election:
    • Leader election patterns select a single node as the leader or coordinator among a group of nodes.
    • Distributed leader election algorithms, such as Ring Election algorithm, ensure that only one node assumes the role of leader at any given time, even in the presence of failures or network partitions.
  • Distributed Transactions:
    • Distributed transaction patterns coordinate transactions that span multiple nodes or resources in a distributed system.
    • Two-phase commit (2PC) and three-phase commit (3PC) are common distributed transaction protocols that ensure atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID properties) across distributed resources.
  • Saga:
    • Saga patterns coordinate long-running transactions that involve multiple steps or services.
    • Distributed saga patterns ensure that all steps in the transaction either complete successfully or are compensated for in case of failure, maintaining consistency and integrity across distributed systems.

Distributed System Patterns

Distributed system patterns are abstract ways of structuring a system that helps developers solve recurring design problems. They provide proven solutions that can be reused across different applications and help developers make informed decisions and avoid common pitfalls. In this article, we will see some distributed systems patterns that help designers make robust and efficient systems.

Important Topics for Distributed System Patterns

  • Communication Patterns in Distributed System
  • Data Management Patterns in Distributed System
  • Concurrency and Coordination Patterns in Distributed System
  • Failure Handling Patterns in Distributed System
  • Scaling Patterns in Distributed System
  • Deployment Patterns in Distributed System
  • Security Patterns in Distributed System

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