Communication Patterns in Distributed System

Communication patterns in distributed systems refer to how different components or nodes within the system interact and exchange information. These patterns are crucial for coordinating activities, sharing data, and achieving overall system functionality. Here are some common communication patterns:

  • Client-Server:
    • In this pattern, clients send requests to servers, which then process those requests and return responses.
    • It’s a straightforward model commonly used in web applications, where clients (browsers) communicate with servers (web servers) to retrieve and send data.
  • Publish-Subscribe (Pub/Sub):
    • In Pub/Sub, publishers send messages to a central message broker or topic, and subscribers receive messages based on their interests or subscriptions.
    • This pattern is useful for broadcasting data to multiple recipients efficiently, such as in real-time messaging systems or event-driven architectures.
  • Master-Slave:
    • In this pattern, a master node delegates tasks to multiple slave nodes, which then execute those tasks and report back to the master.
    • It’s commonly used in parallel and distributed computing frameworks for distributing computational workloads across multiple nodes efficiently.
  • Peer-to-Peer (P2P):
    • In P2P communication, nodes in the network can act as both clients and servers, collaborating directly with each other without a central authority.
    • This pattern is prevalent in file-sharing networks and decentralized systems, where nodes contribute resources and share data directly with one another.
  • Leader-Follower (or Leader-Based):
    • In systems with multiple replicas or nodes, a leader node is elected to coordinate actions and enforce consistency.
    • Followers replicate data from the leader and can take over if the leader fails. This pattern is common in distributed databases and consensus algorithms like Raft and Paxos.
  • Event Sourcing:
    • In event sourcing, systems store all changes to their state as a sequence of events.
    • Components communicate by publishing and consuming events, allowing for auditability, replayability, and flexibility in handling data. Event sourcing is often used in complex, event-driven architectures.

Distributed System Patterns

Distributed system patterns are abstract ways of structuring a system that helps developers solve recurring design problems. They provide proven solutions that can be reused across different applications and help developers make informed decisions and avoid common pitfalls. In this article, we will see some distributed systems patterns that help designers make robust and efficient systems.

Important Topics for Distributed System Patterns

  • Communication Patterns in Distributed System
  • Data Management Patterns in Distributed System
  • Concurrency and Coordination Patterns in Distributed System
  • Failure Handling Patterns in Distributed System
  • Scaling Patterns in Distributed System
  • Deployment Patterns in Distributed System
  • Security Patterns in Distributed System

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