Burkina Faso – Eighth Most Dangerous Country in Africa

Burkina Faso, found in West Africa, faces serious challenges. The problem of terrorism is getting worse, making the country less safe. Many families have to leave their homes because of this, causing more problems. The government isn’t very strong, making it hard to control the violence. Also, there aren’t enough resources to help.

All these difficulties together make Burkina Faso one of the Top 10 Most dangerous country in Africa in 2024, as per the Global Peace Index of 2023. People there deal with tough situations like terrorism, being forced out from their homes, and a government struggling to bring about peace and safety.

List of Top 10 Most Dangerous Countries in Africa

List of Top 10 Most Dangerous Countries in Africa: To gain more and more power and dominance the world is increasingly becoming more unsafe for its people. The dangers faced by people are not just from the military front but also from intellectual and emotional aspects. In this dangerous world nations of African origin are considered even more unsafe when compared to countries in Asian or European areas.

This could be attributed to their current economic, political, and governmental situation and crime statistics. The situations in some countries are so bad that traveling without agents is not recommended in these regions.

In this article, we have provided the list of top 10 most dangerous countries in Africa in 2024, with description of each of these countries.

Table of Content

  • Most Dangerous Country in Africa
  • List of Top 10 Most Dangerous Country in Africa in 2024
  • Top 10 Most Dangerous Country in Africa in 2024
  • Chad – Tenth Most Dangerous Country in Africa
  • Nigeria – Ninth Most Dangerous Country in Africa
  • Burkina Faso – Eighth Most Dangerous Country in Africa
  • Ethiopia – Seventh Most Dangerous Country in Africa
  • Central African Republic – Sixth Most Dangerous Country in Africa
  • Mali – Fifth Most Dangerous Country in Africa
  • Sudan – Fourth Most Dangerous Country in Africa
  • Somalia – Third Most Dangerous Country in Africa
  • Democratic Republic of Congo – Second Most Dangerous Country in Africa
  • South Sudan – Most Dangerous Country in Africa

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FAQs – Top 10 Most Dangerous Countries in Africa

Which African country has the highest crime rate?...

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