Blue Screen Error With Desktop Access On Windows 10

Executing the above method is not enough to solve the issue. The above method can be used to resolve the issue temporarily. But after a few days, the issue might get started again. Also, performing the above method frequently can cause damage to the device. Or sometimes, after being used for a long time, the above method will not more work on the issue. So, it will be a wise act to solve the issue permanently. For that purpose, users need to clear the configuration logs & junk files.

Step 1: At first, users need to press the Windows+R button simultaneously. Then users need to write “%TEMP%” in the run wizard. After that, users need to press the Ok button. This will help to open the temporary files section promptly. 


Step 2: In the open file manager, users need to remove all the files. Users just need to delete all the files present there using the traditional process. This will remove the temporary files.

Step 3: After removing temporary files, users will also need to remove the recently stored junk files also. For that purpose, users need to again press the Windows+R simultaneously. Then users need to write “recent” and press “OK”.


Step 4: A new file explorer window will open. Users just need to delete all the recently stored files from there. There is no need to worry about the deletion of those files. They are like junk files to the devices. So, users can easily remove those flies using the traditional method.

Step 5: Now, after performing the above steps, users need to clear the configuration logs. For that purpose, users need to again press the Windows+R button. Then users need to write the command “prefetch”. Then they need to click Ok.


Step 6: A file explorer window will open. Now, users need to remove all the configuration logs present there. As like, the deletion of the files, users need to select all the files & delete them from the devices. These are the configuration logs, that arise with time. Deletion of these elements will help to remove the Blue Screen Error problem.

Note: It is advisable to perform all the steps. Not performing any single step might be a cause of the issue in the future. All the steps, listed above, are advised to be executed. If users need it, they can perform an automatic repair option without that error. This will help to maintain the device. This will help to reduce the chance of getting Blue Screen Error issues in the future.

How To Troubleshoot and Fix Windows 10 Blue Screen Errors?

Computers & laptops are the new items that can be considered essential items. Earlier, only food, dress & house is being considered the sole need of any person. But this list is now increasing day by day. In the modern world, people can live without food. Humans can survive without proper dress. But they can’t even spend a few hours of time without using smart devices. And laptops & computers are one of the major smart devices. In the new normal world, after the COVID-19 pandemic, this demand is increasing day by day. As you all know if any device is being used for the long term, then there might be some issues with it. Laptops & computers are not different from it. Depending upon the operating systems, there might be some different problems. Linux & macOS have some different issues for long-term use. In the Windows operating system, that is referred to as the Blue Screen Error. When this type of issue arises, a blue screen appears on the device with an error message. This is a very common issue with devices that have been used for decades without doing proper maintenance. Users of those machines will need to perform some steps to fix the issue.

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Executing the above method is not enough to solve the issue. The above method can be used to resolve the issue temporarily. But after a few days, the issue might get started again. Also, performing the above method frequently can cause damage to the device. Or sometimes, after being used for a long time, the above method will not more work on the issue. So, it will be a wise act to solve the issue permanently. For that purpose, users need to clear the configuration logs & junk files....

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