Best Practices

  • Keep Hooks Fast: Ensure that Git hooks run quickly to avoid slowing down the development process. Use tools like `lint-staged` to only check staged files.
  • Consistent Environment: Ensure all developers on your team have the same Husky configuration to maintain consistency.
  • Leverage CI/CD: While Git hooks are great for pre-commit checks, integrate additional checks in your continuous integration pipeline for thorough validation.

NPM Husky

In JavaScript, maintaining code quality and consistency across a team can be challenging. Using tools that automate code checks and enforcement can significantly enhance the development workflow. One such tool is Husky, a popular npm package that allows you to use Git hooks to automate tasks such as linting, testing, and formatting code.

In this article, we will learn more about Husky, how it works, and how you can integrate it into your JavaScript projects.

Table of Content

  • What is Husky?
  • Key Features of Husky
  • Steps to Set Up Husky
  • Example: Adding a Pre-Commit Hook
  • Advanced Configuration
  • Using Other Git Hooks
  • Best Practices
  • Conclusion

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What is Husky?

Husky is an npm package that makes it easy to add Git hooks to your project. Git hooks are scripts that Git automatically executes before or after certain events, such as committing code or pushing changes to a repository. By using Husky, you can automate various tasks to ensure code quality before changes are made to the codebase....

Key Features of Husky

Ease of Use: Simple setup and configuration. Flexibility: Supports a wide range of Git hooks. Integration: Works seamlessly with other tools like ESLint, Prettier, and testing frameworks. Customizability: Easily configure scripts to run at different stages of the Git lifecycle....

Steps to Set Up Husky

Step 1: Installation of husky....

Example: Adding a Pre-Commit Hook

A common use case for Husky is to run linting or testing scripts before allowing a commit. Here’s how you can set up a pre-commit hook to run ESLint:...

Advanced Configuration

For more advanced configurations, you might want to run multiple scripts or conditionally run tasks. Here’s an example using the `lint-staged` package to run linters on staged files only:...

Using Other Git Hooks

Husky supports a variety of Git hooks. Here are a few examples:...

Best Practices

Keep Hooks Fast: Ensure that Git hooks run quickly to avoid slowing down the development process. Use tools like `lint-staged` to only check staged files. Consistent Environment: Ensure all developers on your team have the same Husky configuration to maintain consistency. Leverage CI/CD: While Git hooks are great for pre-commit checks, integrate additional checks in your continuous integration pipeline for thorough validation....


Husky is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance the quality and consistency of your codebase by automating tasks through Git hooks. By integrating Husky into your JavaScript projects, you can enforce coding standards, run tests, and ensure that only high-quality code is committed and pushed to your repositories....

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