Benefits of Sharing Components Across Modules

  • Code Reusability: By sharing components across modules, you can avoid duplicating code and promote code reusability, leading to cleaner and more maintainable codebases.
  • Modular Architecture: Sharing components across modules helps maintain a modular architecture, where functionality is organized into cohesive modules with clear boundaries and responsibilities.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Modular codebases with shared components make it easier for multiple developers to collaborate on different parts of the application.
  • Performance Optimization: Angular’s dependency injection system ensures that shared components are properly managed and instantiated, optimizing performance and memory usage.

Use component from another module -Angular

Angular’s modular architecture is one of its core strengths, allowing it to break down large applications into smaller, manageable pieces. A key aspect of modularity in Angular is the ability to share components across different modules. You can promote code reuse and maintainability by exporting and importing components between modules. In this article, we’ll see how to use Angular’s modularity by sharing components across modules.

Table of Content

  • Module Export and Import
  • Benefits of Sharing Components Across Modules
  • Exporting the Component from its Module
  • Moving the Component to the Shared Module

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Benefits of Sharing Components Across Modules

Code Reusability: By sharing components across modules, you can avoid duplicating code and promote code reusability, leading to cleaner and more maintainable codebases.Modular Architecture: Sharing components across modules helps maintain a modular architecture, where functionality is organized into cohesive modules with clear boundaries and responsibilities.Enhanced Collaboration: Modular codebases with shared components make it easier for multiple developers to collaborate on different parts of the application.Performance Optimization: Angular’s dependency injection system ensures that shared components are properly managed and instantiated, optimizing performance and memory usage....

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