
The base64 encode and decode function both require a byte-like object. To convert a string into bytes, we must encode a string using Python’s built-in encode function. Mostly UTF-8 encoding is used, you can also use ‘ASCII’ to encode but I recommend using UTF-8 encoding.


# encoding the string
string = "greeksforgreek"
# encoding string with utf-8
b = string.encode("UTF-8"



here b prefix denotes that the value is a byte object.

Encoding the string using base64() module:

To encode the string i.e. to convert the string into byte-code, use the following method:


Decoding the byte-code using base64() module:

To decode the byte-code i.e. to convert the byte-code again into a string, use the following method:




# importing base64 modules for
# encoding & decoding string
import base64
string = "GreeksforGreeks"
# Encoding the string
encode = base64.b64encode(string.encode("utf-8"))
print("str-byte : ", encode)
# Decoding the string
decode = base64.b64decode(encode).decode("utf-8")
print("byte-str : ", decode)


str-byte : b'R3JlZWtzZm9yR3JlZWtz'
byte-str : GreeksforGreeks

In the above example, “GreeksforGreeks” the string is firstly encoded using base64 module i.e. string is converted into byte-code and then with help of base64 module again the byte-code is decoded into its original string i.e. “GreeksforGreeks”.

Hide the user’s password during the input time


# Hiding the inputted password with maskpass()
# and encrypting it with use of base64()
import maskpass  # to hide the password
import base64  # to encode and decode the password
# dictionary with username
# as key & password as value
dict = {'Rahul': b'cmFodWw=',
        'Sandeep': b'U2FuZGVlcA=='}
# function to create password
def createpwd():
    print("\n========Create Account=========")
    name = input("Username : ")
    # masking password with prompt msg 'Password :'
    pwd = maskpass.askpass("Password : ")
    # encoding the entered password
    encpwd = base64.b64encode(pwd.encode("utf-8"))
    # appending username and password in dict
    dict[name] = encpwd 
    # print(dict)
# function for sign-in
def sign_in():
    print("\n\n=========Login Page===========")
    name = input("Username : ")
    # masking password with prompt msg 'Password :'
    pwd = maskpass.askpass("Password : ")
    # encoding the entered password
    encpwd = base64.b64encode(pwd.encode("utf-8"))
    # fetching password with
    # username as key in dict
    password = dict[name] 
    if(encpwd == password):
        print("Successfully logged in.")
        print("Login Failed")
# calling function


F:\files>python ""
========Create Account=========
Username : Rahulraj
Password : *****

=========Login Page===========
Username : Rahulraj
Password : *****
Successfully logged in.

Hiding and encrypting passwords in Python?

There are various Python modules that are used to hide the user’s inputted password, among them one is maskpass() module. In Python with the help of maskpass() module and base64() module we can hide the password of users with asterisk(*) during input time and then with the help of base64() module it can be encrypted.

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maskpass() is a Python module that can be used to hide passwords of users during the input time. The maskpass() modules also provides a secure way to handle the password prompt where programs interact with the users via terminal....



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