AWS Amazon Services Overview

What are the main services categories AWS provides ?

AWS mainly provides services for compute, storage , databases , networking , security , developer tools and IOT and many more .

What is the difference between AWS Lambda and EC2 ?

AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service which allows to write function in a certain programming language and it runs without managing any servers but in EC2 , it requires to manage servers .

Does AWS Lambda automatically scales up or we have to configure ?

Yes, AWS Lambda automatically scales up as per the requirement .

What is AWS ECS ?

AWS ECS service is similar to dockerhub . Basically it stores the container image of a web application .

What are different use cases of Amazon S3?

S3 is used for backups and object storage . It stores large data, artifacts , static websites, images , videos and many more. Overall it is used for storage purpose .

Machine Learing (ML) Services Offered By Amazon Web Services (AWS)

In today’s rapidly evolving technologies, harnessing the power of cloud computing has become imperative for businesses striving to stay ahead. Among the many cloud computing platforms, AWS is the most used cloud computing platform. In this guide, I will make sure that you will understand what is AWS and why cloud computing services are important to use. Moreover, I will discuss some of the key AWS Services such as EC2, S3, VPC, IAM, and more.

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What are the main services categories AWS provides ?...

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