Applications of Transmission Lines

The main use of Transmission Lines is to transfer the electricity over long distances. They carry so much amount of power from one region to another. Their main applications are –

  • Bulk Power Transmission: They provide electric power in much big amount for the resources like hydroelectric dams , solar farms , etc.
  • Interconnecting power grids: The Transmission Lines helps to connect so many power grids with each other. This helps in sharing electricity between different countries.
  • Connecting Substations: Transmission Lines help in connecting different substations to each other, they can be local or in different cities which helps in faster power transferring.
  • Distribution: Last and the most important aspect of transmission lines are that it helps in distribution of the electric power from one place to another helping many businesses and households.

Transmission Lines

In this article, we will be going through a Transmission line, first, we will start our article with the introduction of the Transmission line, then we will go through then we will go through different types of transmission lines with their methods, After that we will go through Voltage regulations and efficiency of the Transmission, At last, we will conclude our Article with some applications, properties, protection of transmission line with some FAQs.

Table of Content

  • What is a Transmission line?
  • Types of Transmission Lines
  • Short Transmission Line
  • Medium Transmission Line
  • Long Transmission Line
  • Efficiency
  • Voltage Regulation
  • Load Power Factor on Efficiency
  • Parameters
  • Applications
  • Properties
  • Protetction

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In conclusion we could say that transmission lines play a huge role in delivering electricity from one region to other over a long distances. They also make an impact on the environment. Due to energy loss to minimize it high voltage is used. Different types of Transmission lines have different types of impact depending on various factors. There are also many ways to protect the transmission lines so that no fault occurs in the system....

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