Android Games On Linux With Android-x86

It is a very simple operation to install & run android games with Android-x86. If users are aware of the installation process in smartphones, then for them, it will be a simple task. The procedure for installing the game with Android-x86 is completely similar to the installation of games on smartphones.

Installing VirtualBox on Linux

Step 1: First, users need to browse the Official Download Page Of VirtualBox For Linux. There they will find a list of operating systems under the Linux distribution. From the list, users need to choose the proper distribution. They just need to click on the distribution to download that.


Step 2: Now, users need to open the Linux Terminal. There, users need to execute the below-mentioned command. This command will help to install the downloaded file to the machine.

Command: sudo dpkg -i file-name


Step 3: Users need to wait until the process is completed. It will take some time to finish the process.


Step 4: After successful installation of the VirtualBox, users can find it on their machine. If the software is present in their machine, then users have successfully installed the VirtualBox on Linux.


Hence, we have successfully installed VirtualBox on Linux.

Installing Android-x86 ISO On VirtualBox

Step 1: First, users need to open the VirtualBox software. There will be an option called New. Users need to click on the New button.


Step 2: Now, in the next window, users need to provide any name to the installing operating system. As well as users need to change those two dropdown menus. The operating system should be Linux. From there, users need to choose the proper distribution of Linux. Then users need to click on Next.


Step 3: Now, users need to select the size of the disk. The minimum requirement is a 500 MB disk. After that, users need to click on Next.


Step 4: Users don’t need to make any changes to this window. Users are advised to leave the window as it is & then click on Next.


Step 5: In this case also, users are requested not to make any changes. They just need to click on the for further process.


Step 6: In this window, users need to select the Dynamic Allocation option. After that, users need to click on the Next button.


Step 7: In the next tab, there is no need to make any changes. Users just need to click on the Next button.


Step 8: In the next window. users need to provide the ISO file of the Android-x86. Using the Official Webpage Of Android-x86, users can download the file. After selecting the file, users need to click on Next.


Step 9: Then, at last, users need to click on the Create button. The operating system is ready for the next process.


Hence, we have successfully installed Android-x86 ISO on VirtualBox.

Booting Android-x86 ISO:

Step 1: Now, after successfully installing Android-x86 ISO, it is time to configure & run it. For that purpose, users need to click on the Start button in the VirtualBox.


Step 2: Users need to wait till the main system turns on. It will take some time.


Step 3: After opening the file, users need to choose the last option. This is not an installation. However, this is the configuration of the Android-x86. Users need to press Enter there.


Step 4: It will take some time to autoconfigure the ISO file there. It will create a partition there to configure the ISO file. Users need to have patients at this time.


Step 5: Then it will start the configuration of the Android-x86. It will take a long time. Users need to wait until the process is completed.


Step 6: Now, again one window will appear in front of the users. This is the entry point of the Android-x86 operating system. Users need to click on the first option. It should be without debugger mode. Users need to press Enter there.


Step 7: Now, the Android-x86 operating system will start working. It will take some time at the initial stage to open the operating system.


Hence, we have successfully booted the Android-x86 ISO file using VirtualBox on Linux.

Installation of Games From the Google Play Store By Android-x86 ISO:

Step 1: At first, users need to open the Android-x86 operating system on their devices. Now, after opening, there will be a home page-like wallpaper. The same wallpaper users can find on different smartphones. There might be some more applications on the wallpaper. Like smartphones, there will be an application called Google Play Store or Play Store. Users need to click over the icon to start the application.


Step 2: Once the application is started, users need to click on the search bar. After clicking on the search bar, they need to type their interested game name. Then press Enter there.


Step 3: Now, the result will be available in front of them. Users need to click on their names. After clicking on the game name, a particular result will be available in front of the users. They need to click on the game to install it.

Step 4: Now, the game installation window will open in front of the users. There, users will need to click on the Installation button to install the game on their device. It will take some time to install the game there.

Step 5: Now that the installation is completed, there will be two options visible. In between them, users will need to click on the Open button to run the game on their device. Now, users can enjoy their favorite games on laptops or computers.

 Hence, we have successfully run Android games on Linux with Android-x86.

Note: This demonstration is done with the help of a sample game. Users are able to install & play any game there. The intention is to provide the correct guidance by installing a sample game. Users can search for other games & install that on their devices. There will not any issue with that.

How to Run Android Games on Linux?

Android is the most important operating system. All smartphones and tablets are running with the help of Android. Like other operating systems, Android has a large users number throughout the globe. Due to the easiest user access, Android is used by many users. The continuous demand for the Android operating system pushes the company to provide new updates to it. Also, with increasing demand, the Android operating system can be available on different devices. The computers or laptops don’t have an Android operating system. But that operating system can be installed there. For that purpose, there are some open-source projects available on the internet.

Android-x86 is a similar type of project. It is software that can be installed on the machine. By installing this software, users can utilize the android operating system on their computers also. Mainly on computers, there are Windows operating systems. But along with that, users can install the Android-x86 on their devices. There should be a primary operating system present. Android-x86 is not able to use as the primary operating system. On the device, there should be some operating system installed previously. It might be Windows or Linux.


This is the main thing needed before going further into the topic. This operating system should be installed in the machine previously. Android-x86 is similar to the Android operating system, we used in our smartphones. They act similarly. Just like we have different software like Gmail, and Google Play Store on our smartphones. There will be some applications present in the Android-x86. Before running any game, users need to install & configure the Android-x86 on their Linux primary operating system. Then they can do more tasks there.

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Android Games On Linux With Android-x86

It is a very simple operation to install & run android games with Android-x86. If users are aware of the installation process in smartphones, then for them, it will be a simple task. The procedure for installing the game with Android-x86 is completely similar to the installation of games on smartphones....

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