Algorithm to Find Negative Cycle in a Directed Weighted Graph Using Bellman-Ford

  • Initialize distance array dist[] for each vertex ‘v‘ as dist[v] = INFINITY.
  • Assume any vertex (let’s say ‘0’) as source and assign dist = 0.
  • Relax all the edges(u,v,weight) N-1 times as per the below condition:
    • dist[v] = minimum(dist[v], distance[u] + weight)
  • Now, Relax all the edges one more time i.e. the Nth time and based on the below two cases we can detect the negative cycle:
    • Case 1 (Negative cycle exists): For any edge(u, v, weight), if dist[u] + weight < dist[v]
    • Case 2 (No Negative cycle) : case 1 fails for all the edges.

Bellman–Ford Algorithm

Imagine you have a map with different cities connected by roads, each road having a certain distance. The Bellman–Ford algorithm is like a guide that helps you find the shortest path from one city to all other cities, even if some roads have negative lengths. It’s like a GPS for computers, useful for figuring out the quickest way to get from one point to another in a network. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how this algorithm works and why it’s so handy in solving everyday problems.

Table of Content

  • Bellman-Ford Algorithm
  • The idea behind Bellman Ford Algorithm
  • Principle of Relaxation of Edges for Bellman-Ford
  • Why Relaxing Edges N-1 times, gives us Single Source Shortest Path?
  • Why Does the Reduction of Distance in the N’th Relaxation Indicates the Existence of a Negative Cycle?
  • Working of Bellman-Ford Algorithm to Detect the Negative cycle in the graph
  • Algorithm to Find Negative Cycle in a Directed Weighted Graph Using Bellman-Ford
  • Handling Disconnected Graphs in the Algorithm
  • Complexity Analysis of Bellman-Ford Algorithm
  • Bellman Ford’s Algorithm Applications
  • Drawback of Bellman Ford’s Algorithm

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Working of Bellman-Ford Algorithm to Detect the Negative cycle in the graph:

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Algorithm to Find Negative Cycle in a Directed Weighted Graph Using Bellman-Ford:

Initialize distance array dist[] for each vertex ‘v‘ as dist[v] = INFINITY.Assume any vertex (let’s say ‘0’) as source and assign dist = 0.Relax all the edges(u,v,weight) N-1 times as per the below condition:dist[v] = minimum(dist[v], distance[u] + weight)Now, Relax all the edges one more time i.e. the Nth time and based on the below two cases we can detect the negative cycle:Case 1 (Negative cycle exists): For any edge(u, v, weight), if dist[u] + weight < dist[v]Case 2 (No Negative cycle) : case 1 fails for all the edges....

Handling Disconnected Graphs in the Algorithm:

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Complexity Analysis of Bellman-Ford Algorithm:

Time Complexity when graph is connected: Best Case: O(E), when distance array after 1st and 2nd relaxation are same , we can simply stop further processingAverage Case: O(V*E)Worst Case: O(V*E)Time Complexity when graph is disconnected:All the cases: O(E*(V^2))Auxiliary Space: O(V), where V is the number of vertices in the graph....

Bellman Ford’s Algorithm Applications:

Network Routing: Bellman-Ford is used in computer networking to find the shortest paths in routing tables, helping data packets navigate efficiently across networks.GPS Navigation: GPS devices use Bellman-Ford to calculate the shortest or fastest routes between locations, aiding navigation apps and devices.Transportation and Logistics: Bellman-Ford’s algorithm can be applied to determine the optimal paths for vehicles in transportation and logistics, minimizing fuel consumption and travel time.Game Development: Bellman-Ford can be used to model movement and navigation within virtual worlds in game development, where different paths may have varying costs or obstacles.Robotics and Autonomous Vehicles: The algorithm aids in path planning for robots or autonomous vehicles, considering obstacles, terrain, and energy consumption....

Drawback of Bellman Ford’s Algorithm:

Bellman-Ford algorithm will fail if the graph contains any negative edge cycle....

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