Affinities of Pteridophytes

Pteridophytes occupy an intermediate position between bryophytes and higher vascular plants(gymnosperms and angiosperms).

Resemblances of Ptreridophytes with Bryophytes

Following are some of the characteristics that connect Bryophytes to Pteridophytes;

  1. Both show heteromorphic alternation of generation i.e. haploid gametophyte in one generation and a diploid sporophyte in another generation.
  2. The sexual reproduction in both groups is oogamous and the male and female reproductive structures are known as antheridia and archegonia.
  3. Water is essential for the opening of mature sex organs and fertilization in both groups.
  4. Certain pteridophytes are homosporous like bryophytes.

Differences between Bryophytes and Pteridophytes

Following are some of the differences between Bryophytes and Pteridophytes;

  1. The plant body of pteridophytes is differentiated into root, stem, and leaves, whereas in bryophytes it is thalloid or foliose i.e. without distinct root, stem, and leaves.
  2. Vegetative reproduction is more common in bryophytes than in pteridophytes.
  3. Bryophytes are always homosporous, whereas many pteridophytes show heterospory.

Resemblances of Pteridophytes with Gymnosperms

Following are some of the characteristics that connect Pteridophytes with Gymnosperms;

  1. The plant body in both groups is sporophytic, differentiated into root, stem, and leaves.
  2. The vascular system is well developed in both groups, made up of xylem and phloem.
  3. Like gymnosperms, many pteridophytes show heterosporous conditions.
  4. Antherozoids of some gymnosperms are ciliated like those of pteridophytes.

Differences between Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms

Following are some of the differences between Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms;

  1. Pteridophytes usually occur in moist and shaded places, whereas gymnosperms grow in xerophytic habitats.
  2. Gymnosperms have tap roots but in pteridophytes, the tap root is ephemeral and is soon replaced by adventitious roots.
  3. The archegonium in pteridophytes has neck canal cells but they are absent in gymnosperms.

Pteridophyta – Definition, Characteristics, Classification, Uses

Pteridophyta is a division of the kingdom Plantae that consists of plants that dominated the planet before the evolutionary appearance of seed-producing plants. Pteridophytes lack both flower and seed and reproduce mainly with the help of spores. Pteridophytes are the first group of plants that have evolved to show the vascular system.

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Characteristics of Pteridophyta

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Reproduction in Pteridophytes

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Life Cycle of Pteridophytes

Pteridophytes show an alternation of generation life cycle in which dominant diploid sporophytic generation takes up most of their life span whereas the haploid gametophytic generation is short-lived. Their life cycle is haplodiplontic in which the prophase and diplophase are almost equally balanced. Both the generations are independent of each other and are free-living. The diploid generation produces the spores whereas the haploid generation produces the gametes. These spores travel to different places and then in moist and damp place germinates into independent gametophytes called the prothallus which bears the male anthredia and female archegonia that forms the sperm and egg respectively. The sperm and egg fuse to form the zygote that develops into a multicellular sporophyte....

Classification of Pteridophytes

Pteridophytes are mainly classified into four classes; Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Sphenopsida, and Pteropsida....

Affinities of Pteridophytes

Pteridophytes occupy an intermediate position between bryophytes and higher vascular plants(gymnosperms and angiosperms)....

Economic Importance of Pteridophytes

Following are some of the common uses of Pteridophytes;...

FAQs on Pteridophyta

1. Why the Fern Family is called “Pteridophytes”?...

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