Advantages of the Rule of Three

1. Ensuring correct resource management particularly dynamic memory allocated during an object’s lifespan

2. In order to avoid memory leakage releasing resources through a well-defined destructor when an object is no longer needed.

3. copy constructor and copy assignment operator are used to manage object copies, which makes sure to prevent any accidental sharing of resources

4. Using “The rule of three” makes it really clear which objects are accountable for releasing particular resources, i.e. enforcing clear ownership semantics.

5. the Rule of Three, allowing seamless integration with standard library functionalities for the stored objects that follow this.

6. Clearly outlining copy-related tasks minimizes the chance of unwilling errors, by identifying any possible mistakes during the compilation process

7. This rule encourages code that is simple to comprehend and maintain by explicitly managing ownership and resources

8. By making use of this rule, C++ code becomes more reliable, decreasing the chances of encountering subtle bugs that could cause issues with resource management.

9. For codebases that haven’t upgraded to C++11 or later, it’s still essential to adhere to the Rule of Three as a key guideline for maintaining code stability.

10. Before diving into the benefits of move semantics and the Rule of Five, it is important to know about this rule of three

Rule Of Three in C++

This rule basically states that if a class defines one (or more) of the following, it should explicitly define all three, which are:

Now let us try to understand why? 
The default constructors and assignment operators do shallow copy and we create our own constructor and assignment operators when we need to perform a deep copy (For example when a class contains pointers pointing to dynamically allocated resources).

First, what does a destructor do? It contains code that runs whenever an object is destroyed. Only affecting the contents of the object would be useless. An object in the process of being destroyed cannot have any changes made to it. Therefore, the destructor affects the program’s state as a whole. 

Now, suppose our class does not have a copy constructor. Copying an object will copy all of its data members to the target object. In this case when the object is destroyed the destructor runs twice. Also the destructor has the same information for each object being destroyed. In the absence of an appropriately defined copy constructor, the destructor is executed twice when it should only execute once. This duplicate execution is a source for trouble.

A coding example follows: 


In the example above, once the program goes out of scope, the class destructor is called, not once but twice. First due to deletion of a1 and then of a2. The default copy constructor makes a copy of the pointer vals and does not allocate memory for it. Thus, on deletion of a1, the destructor frees vals. All subsequent vals containing instances when trying to be deleted by the destructor causes the program to crash, as vals do not exist anymore.

This is similar in the case of copy assignment operator. If a class does not have an explicitly defined assignment operator, implicit assignment of all source’s data members to the target’s corresponding data members will occur. All in all, it creates a copy, which again is the same problem defined previously.



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