Adding Data to Dataset

In this part, we will discuss how we can add sample data to our data set.


In this example, we are creating an XOR truth table. The input passed is like a two-dimensional array and the output we get is 1. The input serves the purpose of size and the target acts as the output (equal is 1). So the inputs that are passed to our dataset are 2,1.

0 0     0
1     1
0 1     1
1 1     0


# Python program to create a dataset 
# using PyBrain
# Importing supervised dataset from 
# pybrain.datasets
from pybrain.datasets import SupervisedDataSet
# Creating dataSet
supervised_dataset = SupervisedDataSet(2, 1)
# xor table
xor_table = [
    [(0, 0), (0,)],
    [(0, 1), (1,)],
    [(1, 0), (1,)],
    [(1, 1), (0,)],
# Adding sample from xor_table into 
# supervised_dataset
for input, target in xor_table:
    supervised_dataset.addSample(input, target)
# Printing the input
print("input: \n", supervised_dataset['input'])
# Printing the target
print("target: \n", supervised_dataset['target'])


How to create a dataset using PyBrain?

In this article, we are going to see how to create a dataset using PyBrain.

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Adding Data to Dataset


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